“So you’re saying that you are ONLY bringing in $192 Billion per quarter?...
It might look 4 million times more massive but we all know the camera adds 40 Gigatonnes of mass.
I always enjoy it when people complain about a song I’ve never heard before being overplayed.
The MCU doesn’t contain very much romance anyways. In the roughly 80 hours of content that is all the films and D+ shows, there’s like 3 romances. A crush here, a single kiss there, and one or two married characters. If their LGBT+ representation going forward was a brief mention here, a crush there, a single kiss,…
This review scares me.
This is a deep cut.
First Evan Rachel Wood makes all of those accusations against the guy who played Paul, and now this. I never thought I’d have to say this, but maybe Wayne was right all along. Maybe they really were buttheads.
Oh that’s right, forgot about that one!
Still, three small refs just to remind us we’re technically connected to the rest of the MCU ain’t bad. I’d say it still counts as “standalone”.
In a way, the young woman excited to specifically see an Egyptian hero is an acknowledgement we are in the MCU world full of other heroes.
Was just about to mention these as I was pushing up my glasses. Cheers!
Look...I hear you. The complaints are valid.
I’m in the same boat.
How can someone be too young to get a Beatles reference, and yet old enough to make a Calgon, take me away joke?
Oh no, you didn’t like a joke in an act you didn’t actually see. Can you do some concert reviews based on reddit posts about them?
In this case, local broadcast television deserves a “good job.” The fact that it wound up on the Internet is kind of incidental, but I’ll take it, since being on Youtube means I don’t have to live in the Twin Cities to see it.
Damn even kid Prince is still cooler than anyone alive
I can’t remember the last time the internet actually deserved a “Great Job”, but this properly does. But primarily:
Scattering Remains was fine.
I thought the doll sketch was the best of the night and genuinely funny. The rest of the show was very lackluster which was extra disappointing because Carmichael is the type of guy that is more than capable of throwing himself into the show and being a great host