Quasar Funk

The rich have been scared toward the Republicans for a long time.  I tend to think this article is more for the general public who think that the stock market is the sole/best indicator of an economy’s health.

Fucking Bloomberg, lol. Not even trying to present this impartially. The headline:

Start with the authority that she does have, which is to hold these people in contempt of Congress, which is punishable by imprisonment or fine. The fact that they haven’t used this tool multiple times already is just making things worse.

Exactly. Worst case the messaging from the frontend to the OMS differs for ADA orders vs standard orders (which it absolutely shouldn’t), but you’d still just route through an ESB without really touching the OMS. It is mind-boggling that they’re fighting this.

Exactly.  This is what makes no sense.  Especially considering that Domino’s is a public company.  I can’t believe that shareholders and a BOD would allow this case to escalate.  Not only does it make more financial sense to just upgrade the website, it certainly makes a fuckton more PR sense.

They don’t need to tie accessibility features to their ERP, just their OMS. (If they use SAP’s OMS, they deserve whatever is coming to them.) This doesn’t require any additional hosting and does not require much maintenance. My company just went through this process and it was one of the easiest implementations I’ve

Exactly. Trump’s turnover in 2.75 years has already exceeded the turnover of the past five presidents in 4.


I don’t understand the outrage.

Meat watch.

Cognitive deliciousness.

For context:

(A bit later, the site also reported that Brendan Gleeson has been cast to play Donald Trump. OK, sure.)

More like Kevin McA-LEAVIN’ amirite?!

Who the hell is still donating to Pete Buttigieg lol?

I don’t know.  With the exception of Mission Impossible, this has not been true for a very long time. And this movie was the only non-MI movie too crack $100MM domestic since Tropic Thunder in 2008.

Manning is the only one of those three with any redeemable qualities whatsoever.

So does Ryan Niemiller.