I SEO what you did there.
I SEO what you did there.
I understand why there are many arguments around Manning, Snowden, and Assange.
I don’t see this deal at all. It’s $86.99, before the $20 coupon.
I don’t see this deal at all. It’s $86.99, before the $20 coupon.
I think I see Mitch McConnell.
I just wanted to make an Eddie Murphy Buckwheat reference, tbh.
Yes. I...I have no idea why the fuck I said Hunter, to be honest.
I am overwhelmingly jealous!
Goddamnit, fine, you win.
Sincerely dig the new profile pic, Jack. You were Hunter Minshew before Hunter Minshew was Hunter Minshew.
I am the world’s biggest Dollop stan. This one was outstanding.
Really, if I’ve learned anything from Trump bribing foreign leaders to help his campaign by smearing his opponents, it’s that HILLARY CLINTON IS CORRUPT.
This is not
Not only that, but really he wasn’t even “ALSO CALL ME ABOUT THIS” he was “I suggest you call other people, not me, leave me the fuck out of this from this point forward.”
This is so fucking obvious, but we all know that his supporters will be crawling out of their burrows to defend him and using this as “proof” of no quid pro quo.
What the hell are you doing in the grays?!
Why, why, why do you keep giving these people the attention that they want?
Our species sucks so hard.
GOP operatives caught on tape detailing exactly how they steal democracy and it doesn’t even warrant a clickable headline.
What this should be: One of the biggest political stories in years, dissected constantly by the 24-hour news media, driving disgust with the GOP and outraged calls for investigations and for change.