Losing what?
Sears catalog.
a recording of his remarks passed along by an attendee.
Ashley Feinberg is a national treasure.
“These despicable teens are anti-Semitic!”
Turns out, Nunes is referring to a prank phone call by two Russian comedians, which Schiff didn’t engage with other than to tell them to send their material to the FBI and the House Intelligence Committee.
Republicans aren’t getting behind impeachment on Ukraine. None of them. Zero chance.
Jesus, thank you.
“If you like President Trump or not America is the priority soliciting foreign interference in our election is unAmerican,” he said.
Honestly, that stood out to me more than anything. “Sources confirmed he doesn’t want to be impeached?” Ace fucking reporting, that.
As far as I’m concerned, masturbation is the best form of cardio.
I snorted.
So...Exactly what I feared.
What you clicked to make this comment.
Approximately three.
The titular leads of “Piano Man” and “The Stranger” (the former a little more fleshed out in song than the latter) will meet you anytime you want in Scenes From An Italian Restaurant, along with Mama Leone and Sgt. O’Leary from “Movin’ Out”
I know this. You know this. But read virtually every article in virtually every major publication and see what they’re talking about. Robert who? Emolumwhatnow?
I know that she can, I just know how people form opinions based on the initial messaging. It’s easier to influence an opinion from the outset than it is to change one at a later time.