Quasar Funk

I’m fine living in a Paul Verhoeven movie, but why can’t it be Showgirls?

Of all the veterans in this video, Crenshaw is the one I respect the least.


Not until I’m dead!

I thought the guy on the left was Joe Biden.

I’m ingesting all of my money in alcohol.

Of course a Hatmaker would welcome an umbrella.

Obviously the promise that he made was to help Putin rid all of his pizza shops of their basement kiddy-diddling clubs.

I do agree with Trump on this.  I have no problem with a snowballing whistleblower.  No kink shaming.

It’s totally fake news and nothing happened.  Also, we’re never turning over the complaint for Congress to see.

I think we all know who put that horse up to it.

No, Nancy Pelosi is just from the Corporate Shill wing of the Democratic Party (i.e. the main wing), and so she serves the same masters as the entire Republican Party.

She looks like a younger and slightly more feminine Sarah Sanders.

Yeah, I remember.

+ a few additional clicks to get to your response from notifications.

Apropos of nothing, but has there ever been a Kinja update that has been warmly received? I’ve never seen a system where every update provides either less functionality or less convenient functionality.

“Why should I stop pissing on the couch if the dog is also pissing on the couch!”

Why get rid of guns when it’s so much easier to just rely on a peer-reporting system to permanently lock away any individual who any other individual determines will probably become a school shooter?