Quasar Funk

Thanks. That user has been around just as long if not longer than me, though. The similarity is pure coincidence. 

I guarantee that sue gets his news from Fox and Breitbart and places like that, and had no idea that this was already an existing policy.

Yep. That’s what I do and that’s absolutely accurate. 

I like to roll up my marijuana in a rainbow flag. Then, I lube it up with the blood of aborted fetuses and shove it straight into my asshole

I’ve stopped using the work marijuana as well.

Terrible guy, Schrodinger. Total loser. Did nothing but sit around playing piano.  There’s no money in that!  Lucy wanted to fuck him so badly but he just sat there.  Probably a “gay.”

You hereby “order” companies to look at alternatives to China? Putting aside the dictatorial nature of that statement, WE ALREADY ARE BECAUSE OF YOUR TARIFFS YOU BLOATED ORANGE BUFFOON!

Mother Theresa was a deluded old twat who wrecked more lives than she ever helped. Devotion to the sky wizard, militant anti-abortion views, sub-hospice level healthcare offerings, support of Contras and Union Carbide and Thatcher and Reagan and on and on and on...

I can’t believe that I just now realized that Han Solo is basically Space Butch Cassidy.

And this was barely even news today. That’s where we are now. 

Tom Cotton looks like a kid who, when asked, “Was Santa good to you this year?” would reply, “Christmas is about Jesus, ma’am.”

“The Landlord’s Game”

No, actually, the idea was stolen from the socialist by some dipshit capitalist pig like you.

Does anyone listen to The Dollop podcast?  They had a really interesting episode recently about the origins of Monopoly and how it was actually created by a socialist to play off of the inherent dangers of capitalism. 

Come on, get with the times!

Trump signs executive order reducing the documents necessary for a restaurant to file for a liquor license from 3 to 2...

Oh, come on. He doesn’t pay attention to her anymore.

It’s sadlarious how you keep beating this drum.


Off-topic, but breaking news: