The bigger problem seems to be that Americans are really fucking stupid.
The bigger problem seems to be that Americans are really fucking stupid.
Were his teeth always that disturbingly white?
I’ve said here many times that while Warren aligns most with my personal policy preferences, I teeter back and forth between her and Harris because of electability. The ideas posited on this site dismissing electability are absurd and naive and give the American people light years more credit than they deserve.
And today’s Republicans would call that Clean Air Act creating, affirmative action supporting, social security bolstering, minimum tax on the rich creating, China relationship forming, price and wage freezing liberal Richard Nixon a full-blown Communist.
He wants to make it illegal to seek asylum, clearly. It’s like Republicans are always saying in the gun control debate, if you make something illegal, nobody will ever attempt to do that thing.
Jesus Christ, thank you.
what’s going to happen if Trump...
Yeah, the OP replied that as well, I guess I had just completely forgotten.
I absolutely, unequivocally love AOC. But...maybe let’s not make her Speaker after being in the house for 5 months?
Billy Madison
I didn’t realize she intended to step down as Speaker, is that confirmed? I couldn’t find anything on Google.
There’s no way they’re putting that warning on any of his tweets.
The states will absolutely be chaos, and I wouldn’t understate the importance of that. Especially when they draw new US House districts. It took a miracle for Dems to get the House back, now they are assured to lose it indefinitely. Every two years we will read stories with headlines like, “Dems Win 57% of the Votes,…
Even that dude’s Caliburn sign is melting.
You’re not wrong, but (at least to me anyways) “but her e-mails” has become shorthand for attacking those who didn’t vote, voted Stein, etc, because of any real or perceived dislike of HRC.
who really gives a fuck what Rosie o’donnell has to say about anything?
This is worse than Citizens United. This is the end of the Republic. Call me hyperbolic if you want to, but this is where it ends. This means that Republicans have a green light to cheat to maintain power, and prevent themselves from ever losing that power.
I think we all know that you should never be trusted.
What is a quarantine on Reddit? I don’t reddit. I also don’t care enough to google it. I guess I really don’t care if you don’t care enough to answer either.
Why watch at all? It’s transcribed.