Quasar Funk

But one day we will come for them.

Yeah, I’m no expert, or even amateur on the subject, but he definitely looks to have had work done.

For those of you like me who do not subscribe to the Wall Street Journal (I’m assuming most of you) here’s a link that’s not behind a pay wall:

I had no idea that Seth Green’s parents were David Spade and Axl Rose.

Good lord, I had completely forgotten about the existence of Bobby Jindal.

With any luck, this guy:

lol, touche.

“That is not a UFO.” ≠ “Aliens don’t exist.” 

I’m sure that the foreign military intelligence agencies and/or multinational tech corporations that own these aircraft are loving that everybody just thinks “OMG ALIENS!”


If only we had some other days where we could honor our nation’s Veterans. Or even Memorialize those who have fallen.

It’s about time some brave freedom-loving patriot decided to do something to honor our always-overlooked military in this country!


Michael Keaton worked for him too!

Getting money out of politics would be a great amendment, but it is faaaaaaaaaarrrrrr from the only one we need. 

This obsession with symbol-worship.  What a strange species we are. 

As a Pittsburgh ex-pat, that just made me incredibly homesick, but it’s awesome, thanks for posting!


Oh, for sure. I just meant it from a TV “make your viewers cry” perspective.

Very much. I have to believe that there’s some kind of payout and/or job offer at the end resulting in some kind of Move That Bus! feel good moment. If not, it’s just televised cruelty.