People did not turn out. 49% of eligible voters is pathetic. Just because it’s less pathetic than the rest of the last century doesn’t mean it’s not still pathetic.
People did not turn out. 49% of eligible voters is pathetic. Just because it’s less pathetic than the rest of the last century doesn’t mean it’s not still pathetic.
I share your frustration and agree with many of your points.
Which itself is post-Paducah.
The Party of Fiscal Responsibility™.
Yeah, I thought the strategy was to go after moderate or conservative Democrats in solidly blue districts, to get a more progressive base of power.
*sigh* I know.
When I was 26 I remember hosting a Halloween party at my apartment where I, Jesus Christ, got into a screaming match that nearly turned into a drunken physical altercation with Superman over John Kerry vs George Bush, until we were separated by Napoleon Dynamite.
Gotcha. Carry on.
Not to be “that guy,” but what’s with the extra “e?”
There’s a lot of truth to what you’re saying about media coverage for sure. Still, that’s definitely not the entire story. There’s a lot of chicken/egg here.
She really is awesome. I just moved to New Hampshire last year and we also elected a rookie Democrat to Congress.
From the link:
I just read that article, and it’s...enlightening.
Make America Grate Again
Not only that, but Sinclair Broadcast Group goes out of its way to become Cadet Bone Spurs State Media Agency, deliberately misleading the populace on a daily basis, but it’s not until they fire a weatherman that viewers and advertisers take action?
There is nothing the GOP wants less than an educated populace.
It’s far from perfect, for sure. It’s just my opinion in a humorous comment, I’m not about to write a paper on the topic. But when anti-vaxxers are nearly twice as likely to support Trump than Clinton and when anti-vaxxers are now mainstream Republican major political candidates for governor in three states, and when…