Quasar Funk

House Democrats are currently devising a plan to create a strategy to discuss the notion of considering the possibility of holding a meeting to whiteboard ideas for creating a task force to determine the viability of further exploring the possibility of maybe subpoenaing Mueller.

They won’t not exonerate you.

“He didn’t NOT commit obstruction...”

Less ICE, more ICING!

Well, if they’re white.

Called In Fabric, it spins unease from a cursed dress afflicted with an “unspeakable evil.”

2019 Chip Roy: “Dead kids are fine, who cares.”

Reward them.

Donate today.

Let’s give them that chance.

Ok, GoFundMe created:

Poor Mr. Whipple.

They are ignorant. The ones that aren’t are simply malevolent. Some are both.

Do Fox News viewers realize that the working assumption of the people who produce Fox News content is that they are stupid, gullible idiots easily persuaded to vote against their own interests, because they are fucking dumb, and also who cares if they die? Or no?

I don’t care anymore. I am making it my mission to get in while the getting is good.

Also he has to watch as an extremely well-hung African-American bisexual Jewish gentleman pleases Ivanka.

In and around every single orifice.

There are countless anti-Semitic words coming from Trump over decades, including words in his own books.  I’m frankly shocked that any single person would find this to be newsworthy.  This will change exactly no one’s opinion of Donald Trump.

Assuming you mean Stephen Miller?