With all of that being said, unfortunately, I don’t think either of your charts prove, in any way, that Black voters in the south aren’t being kept from the polls at a disproportionate rate.
With all of that being said, unfortunately, I don’t think either of your charts prove, in any way, that Black voters in the south aren’t being kept from the polls at a disproportionate rate.
I just wish we could all stop pretending like all of these things aren’t true.
Suppression tactics are a horrible thing. A very real, very horrible thing.
This is all 100% his fault.
I’m genuinely curious why you think this will backfire. I know that I’m extremely cynical, but I have not really seen anything that the GOP has done in the past 40 years backfire on them in the slightest.
Agreed, but also: POC’s. If POC’s voted at national average rate the GOP would be history.
But you can’t simply blame the elected officials behind these things and hold the people who elected them in the first place entirely blameless. THAT’S a cop-out, and if you believe that the voters of Alabama are not broken beyond repair, and that there is hope for them to get educated and do the right thing and stop…
There are many, MANY legitimate criticisms of Bill DeBlasio, but “WHY DOESN’T HE TAKE THE SUBWAY LIKE A NORMAL PERSON” is not one of them. If he did it, it would just be for show anyways, and he’d be roundly criticized for that.. He’s the mayor of New York. He shouldn’t be taking the subway for his safety and for the…
That was my takeaway as well. What the fuck?
I’m not so sure that he is.
His continued existence is proof positive that there is no sentient god.
No, no. Susan Collins assured us that would not happen.
I don’t let my kids watch FreeForm in order to prevent them from running into this filth. If anyone is wondering, I recently googled why a Disney owned channel would air christian garbage. Turns out Robertson negotiated his time slot in perpetuity before the acquisition and there’s no escape clause.
Fair. I was describing NC, but you’re right. For the comparison, change the words “the loser of an election” to “someone else.”
Society needs to ensure that people are receiving necessary medical care while also ensuring that large make-believe entities are still able to rake in hundreds of billions in annual profits. It’s just logic.
That brown man loves Jebus, hates gays, and loves giving money to rich white men, so he’s One Of The Good Ones™.