Quasar Funk

I just don’t see how it makes sense to continue to operate as one any more. I know it’s virtually impossible to even comprehend how to split, but this marriage has led to “irreconcilable differences” and I think a divorce is in order.

I mean, I definitely see the resemblance between Trump and Jebus.

Wait a minute...

I snort-laughed at this.

Yes. His highest approval rating of 49% is by far the lowest on the list. The second-lowest highest approval rating is Nixon at 66%.

“Call me daddy!”

Look at his face. That is the face of a man who can only have sex on his back with his eyes closed and who cries afterwards.

Leave Donald out of this, we’re talking about Jared.

I’m wiping out immigration
I’m giving them all citations ♪

Domestic policy too!

John McCain’s corpse just got a little stiffer.

Sorry man. I misunderstood YOUR comment as snark.

What a pathetic picture.  Trying to point at that man’s sock with that little baby finger!

It’s hard to even call them cowards, since there was literally no danger for them. They had all of the leverage. The minority GOP took their ball and went home. Fucking hold out until the evil bastards come back. It’s all on them!

This is the most Democrat story imaginable.

True.  Maybe if she keeps this beautiful shit up, things will change. I’ve been concerned about her chances in the general election, but she’s been whittling away at that concern and things like this help.

With KSC, they’ll just have to shift more launches to Vandenberg, or build a stabilized sea platform for launches.

I’m not understanding your last sentence.  Because 47% of those people vote red, how does that invalidate the absolutely true statement that the profit motive results in poorer quality and quantity of care?