Can’t listen to audio pretty much ever between work and sitting around at home with my family, so I tried watching this with closed caption and that made it unintentionally hilarious for different reasons.
Can’t listen to audio pretty much ever between work and sitting around at home with my family, so I tried watching this with closed caption and that made it unintentionally hilarious for different reasons.
Speaking of words that Americans can’t pronounce, can we change the word “emoluments” to something more Murrican-friendly so that we can talk about it some more? If we really want to talk impeachment, that’s the obvious answer.
I’m pretty sure that’s just an old joke. I vaguely remember hearing a joke like that a long, long time ago from some white trash family member. I haven’t seen the actual delivery. I wonder if he was telling a joke, and then when it didn’t land the way he wanted he realized what the fuck he was doing and added the,…
Yep. No chance. Steve King has a lifetime position if he wants it. If a video ever emerges of him wiping his ass with an American flag while performing an abortion as a male prostitute blows him while listening to gangster rap he MIGHT get primaried.
YES. It is long past time to stop being so scared of nuclear energy.
Yeah, no chance. No chance they impeach him for any reason whatsoever, let alone for a reason that many of them support, some quite aggressively.
Ah, the “Reverse Phil Collins.”
At least they’re not dead soldiers!
I think I speak for everybody when I say...
Rafi, you missed another quite offensive bit from that story, where he’s now saying he’s been “lynched.”
This is your takeaway from this article?
It’s rage-inducing.
The quote from his wife in the linked article is just heartbreaking:
Two homosexuals and a Jew
Just never mind this guy.
Yes, I am aware of this. I’m not sure what your point is? The original commenter said,
The future of the human race will at least partly be partially decided by Steve Fucking Doocy.
“That’s an awful nice life free from involuntary servitude to our military-industrial complex that you have there. It’d be a shame if something....happened to it.”
It would have been monumentally better to not have sent troops to any war in the past 80 years.
It benefits the GOP. And while I don’t really think it will go anywhere either, I will never underestimate the stupidity of Pelosi and Schumer.