Working troops into a conversation about farmers? Nice. There’s going to be a lot of stained tighty-whiteys out there.
Working troops into a conversation about farmers? Nice. There’s going to be a lot of stained tighty-whiteys out there.
God, guns, and abortion, for one.
This is beautiful.
Wage growth?
I’m with you on that second one, but it will never be to unions. I think the non-farmer handout will be the infrastructure deal being worked on with Schumer and Pelosi. That way the GOP gets to crow about not only how much they care about Americans, but about how bipartisan they are.
He’s going to push hard for a return to the gold standard, as evidenced by its support from all of his Fed nominees. It’s one of the stupidest economic policies imaginable, so it makes perfect sense that he’d support it. Plus, it gets a ton of support from the kind of sociopathic conspiracy-minded wackjobs who are…
I never said or implied anything of the sort.
We’re far past doomed.
For the record, I didn’t call you trash. I said that wishing for someone to be murdered is trash.
What are you trying to say here? There’s so many words!
Steve Scalise...too bad the guy that shot that baseball game didn’t have better aim
You had me at “kunt.”
Policing my words, twisting & turning them to ignite vile attacks on me will not work. All of you who are trying to silence me will fail miserably. I will never allow you to take my words out of context to push your racist and hateful agenda. The truth will always win.
True, although I always viewed humanity in general as the real villain.
I spend way too much time thinking about that. I have never met a single person who has seen a fraction of a second of the show N.C.I.S. And there are like 479 more shows like that on CBS that have been on the air for centuries and raking in all of these mysterious viewers that not a single person knows.
Fine, sure. Who/what caused this person’s death:
I’m not sure anyone thinks THIS is how it went down; I think what probably happened is that there were people ready to “hold their nose” for her and this was just kind of another eye-roller causing them to stay home.
If we’re honestly compiling a list of all of the reasons, Comey belongs on it somewhere, sure. Just far enough down that most people have lost interest in reading it by that point.