Sorry, but you lose me with the Christianity stuff. Good Christians say Bad Christians aren’t Real Christians. I’m not having any of it.
Sorry, but you lose me with the Christianity stuff. Good Christians say Bad Christians aren’t Real Christians. I’m not having any of it.
She’s basically just Cruella DeVille but the dalmatians are human children.
You’re right, good point.
True. I don’t even think America supports the *idea* of troops as much as Americans support “wanting other Americans to know that I’m the kind of person who supports troops.”
You’re not wrong, but this started long before 9/11. This started with Desert Storm. The media coverage of that imperialist nonsense was reprehensible. And America was like, “Well I’m proud to BE AN AMERICAN WHERE AT LEAST I KNOW FART NOISES.” And then Super Bowl XXV happened, weeks after the war started, and a bunch…
The only people being terrorized by these flyers are English teachers.
The American troop fetishization taken to its logical next step. If you want to talk root cause, this is not a “Trump is an asshat” issue as much as it’s a “America: Stop worshiping the fucking troops” issue.
Yeah, well theres also Jesus explicitly telling people to follow every “jot and tittle” of Jewish law.
He’s going to die, and then he’s not going to be upset about anything, because he will no longer exist.
There are bible passages that forbid shellfish. Every single person who preaches the “good” things from Christianity is just as guilty of cherry picking as those who preach the “bad.”
This is an acceptable answer.
Yep. This is what I envisioned!
I’m a Christian and my Christian beliefs are you don’t do interracial marriage. That’s the way I was brought up and that’s the way I believe,” he said. “I have black friends, I hired black people. But when it comes to all this stuff you see on TV, when you see blacks and whites together, it makes my blood boil because…
And the Democrats really turned out, and that’s the problem we have with conservatives — we don’t turn out as well.
Donald Trump’s administration supports racist, jingoistic, white-supremacist policies, but so did Democrat Andrew Jackson’s so, you know...Both Sides.
I thought Republicans were supposed to be the “business savvy” ones.
I’m sure the Democrats will find a way to sadlariously fuck this up.
I don’t know. The trucker hat, goatee, and white entitlement thinking scream MAGA pretty loudly.