Quasar Funk

Now that you mention it, I have friends who are obsessed with that show but I have never seen a single episode, and you’re absolutely right about that show matching those conditions.  Good call, thanks!

Awesomely alliterative.

“Removing it, Skowhegan middle school tutor Gloria Gordon said, would take rights away from non-Native American students who want to keep the mascot.”

They just didn’t know when to stop!

I need a show to watch late at night on the weekends, after smoking up a little bit, after my wife falls asleep, and I’m almost out of episodes of The Orville and American Gods.

At the time, DHS claimed it saw a 315 percent increase in cases of “adults with minors fraudulently posing as ‘family units’ to gain entry” from October 2017 to February 2018

July 19, 2016:

This has been US policy since the Monroe Doctrine, which is nearly 200 years old. I’m not saying the policy is morally sound or something I agree with, but it’s weird to see this policy analyzed as something strange and new.

I think...I THINK...he’s saying that The View isn’t interested in helping the poor or fighting against income/wealth inequality, they’re only interested in doing those things for black/brown people? Maybe?

Frederick Douglass is an example of somebody who’s done an amazing job and is getting recognized more and more, I notice.

Get ready for major cuts to social programs.

Picking an individual is the entire point of a primary.

He looks like Lindsay Graham fucked Rocky Dennis and Cher dropped the baby on its face.

Light in the loafers?  What year is it in Texas?

that’s because she has her finger up his a$$

Drumpf has never smiled that bigly in a photograph with just him and his son.

I’m just trying to understand how this is legal. Because if I went on the road telling everybody I was going to overthrow the Prince of Lichtenstein and I was trying to raise money and support for the military effort to do so, I would think that some uniformed officers would have some things to say to me about that.

Interesting thought, for sure, but I respectfully disagree. The corporate and special interest overlords that are pulling the GOP’s strings would never let that happen. I don’t think Trump has them glamoured. I think they’re told by the Kochs and others who are really in charge that they will fall in line or else.

I am arguing against what you’re talking about. You’re the one who said that people are “willing to watch people have their lives shattered while they wait” to impeach. The point is that impeachment would likely lead to MORE lives being shattered.

What in the world makes you think this would stop under President Pence?