Quasar Funk

Your probably thinking that you’re comment is insightful.

I don’t know, maybe I need to give him an extended chance. But I watch Sam Bee and just think of how much better TDS could have been with her instead. 

I don’t use those words, because I’m not a garbage Republican. You might be the single dumbest person with whom I’ve ever interacted on Kinja.

Yeah, I’m definitely more sad than apathetic right now. I guess I’m just also scared that my lack of anger and transition into sadness will lead to apathy.

I’m past anger and well on my way to apathy, and that terrifies me, to be honest.  The recent story about Trump’s fundraising for 2020 and the amount of money he’s getting from small donors might be the final nail in my coffin of caring about this country anymore.  I’m not saying I’m proud of that.  I’m just

Jesus Christ, there is no bigger sign of douchebaggery than when some try-hard asshat throws out “edginess” as a slur when it has no relevance whatsoever.  I like Trevor Noah, the person, hence the comment that I want to like his show.  But I don’t.  This is not “edgy,” you unbelievable shitstain.

I know nothing about Hogan so I Googled him after seeing your comment.

That...can’t possibly be his real hair.  Can it?

I want nothing more than for Trevor Noah (and his writers) to be smart and/or funny. I check in on TDS every few months, and it’s still just unwatchably awful. Content and delivery.

I am fortunate enough to be in a position where I would see a substantial increase to my overall spend in a world where I’m taxed enough to contribute to a single-payer system. I would sign up for this in a fucking heartbeat. Because I’m not a Republican and actually have morals, I don’t mind paying more for those

There’s a podcast called Cum Town?

We have one last chance to avoid catastrophic climate change that will swallow up coastal cities, cause mass extinctions, devastate the world’s poor, likely kill hundreds of millions (if not billions) of people, and possibly turn the planet into some 80's Kurt Russell dystopia.

I don’t know, good question. But I do know that I’d rather watch Topher Grace’s Venom in every movie I see, regardless of genre, for an entire year than watch him play a “hip” pastor in an “Isn’t God Awesome!?!!!one!” movie just once.

Holy crap, what did Topher Grace ever do to deserve this?

This is America, David. We speak ENGLISH here. It’s “from.”

“I wouldn’t hold the New York Post accountable for how a headline might be viewed, I’m not going to hold the president’s Twitter account to that either,” Lotter said.

Decades from now, people will remember exactly where they were and exactly what they were doing when the President tweeted this unheard of stroke of marketing genius.

I wish I enjoyed ANYTHING a fraction as much as you enjoy what you do here.

Give a public option, the Medicare portion, but allow people to keep their plans that they like,”