Based on everything I’ve heard from Fox News, I believe the AOC Five are Chairman Mao, Stalin, Lenin, Dracula, and Justin Bieber.
Based on everything I’ve heard from Fox News, I believe the AOC Five are Chairman Mao, Stalin, Lenin, Dracula, and Justin Bieber.
Pelosi is a compelling reason for putting smarm limits on members of Congress.
I can’t believe that there are still these weird Nancy Pelosi stans, but they’re everywhere, and I expect the comments will fill up with them soon.
It’s a bit surprising that this post seems to side with AT&T over Dish. Neither comes off well, but AT&T is by far more villainous in this standoff.
I’m not using it as a slur. I’m saying that he’s all talk and no policy. And I’m saying that after years of cozying up to Wall Street and the pharmaceutical industry, apparently all he has to do is talk about identity politics to become a progressive hero on Splinter, which is incredibly bizarre.
Impassioned speeches about identity politics are worth more than actual progressive policies now. Just say the words and sound sincere. Then go fight for the 1%.
Wall Street’s darling being touted as a progressive on Splinter. I’ll be damned.
Maybe the best line in the entire MCU.
I’m sorry, but I just read the Splinter piece on Assange and have learned that working with a foreign government and hacking into private e-mail servers and publishing information in order to influence a US presidential election on behalf of a foreign government is EXACTLY THE SAME AS JIM ACOSTA ASKING QUESTIONS.
It should be exactly that, grammatical error and all.
I can’t believe more people haven’t murdered me for this comment lol.
Yeah, now THIS is who you primary. Any assclown associated with the “blue dog” label needs to be primaried.
Because you hate freedom.
Yeah, in hindsight my snarky/sarcastic “primary them” comment didn’t deliver as such, which is totally on me.
It does. I mean, there’s some good stuff in the bill, not discussed here. For example, it limits the IRS’s ability to use collection agencies on poor people. This is objectively good!
I am. Well, I am in the sense that I used “need primaried” as purposeful hyperbole for mild comedic intent because of the (often true, sometimes not) reputation Splinter is getting for eating their own so, so often.
18 Democrats and 10 Republicans are cosponsors of the bill, which is supported by Americans for Tax Reform, Grover Norquist’s right-wing group that opposes basically all taxation.
It kind of feels more like they’re milking us.
I pay TurboTax something. No clue what. $50 maybe?
You said “hard on.”