Quasar Funk

On May 30, 2009, members of the now-defunct Minutemen American Defense stormed the house of a Mexican-American family whom they claimed to suspect of drug trafficking. The invasion ended in a double murder. The crimes shocked Arivaca, attracted national attention, and contributed to a nationwide decline of border

I can’t understand how anyone, socialist or capitalist, other than those with stakes in the private companies, doesn’t support this. ALL public utilities should be 100% publicly owned. Why in the world would you want the profit motive involved in delivering people clean water?

Anal isn’t cheating?


Bipartisan and skilled shapers of policy working together to redesign the system so it works better.

Halliburton profits aren’t going to make themselves!

1.) The article implies nothing, because, you know, THERE ISN’T AN ARTICLE. It’s literally just a shared tweet.

Jesus Christ, the replies to that tweet.

Are you trying to out-lazy me? Fine, you win. I’ll google it

They didn’t omit anything, they shared a tweet.

Really?  That’s pretty awesome.  Source?

What does Miller have on Trump to make a man who never defends someone, defend someone.

I wonder if it has anything to do with the nonstop barrage of specific drug commercials I see each and every day on tv.

He has been associated with Lyndon LaRouche and is a 9/11 truther. Dude’s batshit insane.

Number one on the list? R. Milton Johnson, CEO of HCA, earning a cool $109 million.

When I was 17 and this movie came out, it was really only popular with posers.  This movie is what would happen if the corporate board room lady from The Simpsons tried to make a Cool and Hip film.

I blame August Osage County for making Hollywood not want to acknowledge modern or future Oklahoma

Not to kink-shame, but when I wake up with a morning wood I just take a longer shower.

None of this should surprise anyone.  Except maybe the fact that they settled.  Motel 6 is owned by The Blackstone Group, whose CEO Stephen A. Schwarzman is a long time friend and supporter of Trump. This is the guy who said that Barack Obama’s proposal to raise taxes on carried interest was the same as when Hitler