That was an incredibly enlightening read, thanks for sharing.
That was an incredibly enlightening read, thanks for sharing.
I’m still trying to understand the Giantess thing. I’m not one to kink shame. Lord knows I’ve got my own. I just don’t understand the logistics.
“APRIL FOOLS! Haha, those weren’t just terrorists we were murdering, they were innocent civilians! You should see the looks on your faces right now LOL!”
Oh, I know. I just commented to you about it because you appear to be the only other commenter to have actually read it. :D
The Blacks are filled with sociopaths, tomatoes, and trolls. Not only did the Grayening not accomplish its intended goal, it literally made things worse.
The article is hilariously bad. The headline and the thesis, that Pete Seeger was a True Conservative (TM), aren’t supported by much of anything in the ensuing text, short of one Seeger quote:
America is far too stupid to elect her, unfortunately.
He’s going to nominate Robert Van Winkle.
The Dixieland search is hilarious.
A fraction of a second of my time is worth it for the catharsis alone.
Normally I just flag your sociopathic ass as spam, but I just got off of the phone with Comcast customer service, so I’d like to wish you a good morning and tell you to kindly go fuck your mother.
There is...soooooooo much going on in this map.
H/T Quasar Funk.
I like how it was totally copacetic that he was originally selling to his fiance.
Well, God made Eve to please Adam, so if she fails to do so, and Adam slaps her around a little bit, that’s his religious right to do so.
Stephen. Not Nicholas.
This seems reasonable. Are we that hungry for our own today?