
Not true of EVs anymore, there are tons of videos of them doing back-to-back passes with no issues. ICE cars also aren’t flawless and will get hot with repeated passes.

No, it shouldn’t. It’s the industry standard. Every 0-60 test since drag strips were invented have used rollout. 

He’s right though. As cars become more like appliances, less and less soulful cars will exist.

2nd time Fisker has gone broke....   Why would anybody give this guy $$$ a 2nd time?

If this gets 100 stars, can we please kill the slideshow format?

Weird how merging a bunch of terrible, poorly run car companies didn’t work out..

I realize that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I just don’t see it with this car. I applaud the effort and confidence, but it just looks -- in photos, at least -- like a big sausage. Now the Sollei, on the other hand, wears the look MUCH better. 

In the review, Clarkson commented on the poor range of the car, which lasted just 55 miles on a race track, and claimed that it took an eye-watering 16 hours to top the battery up once again.”

It’s real weird to for two people to confidently pontificate about an event that happened a decade and a half ago, which neither of them witnessed, on a TV show that neither of them were involved with at the time.

Get out the vote. Check your registration. Mail in ballots especially. Skeletor Scott is bragging about yanking some 16k voters from the rolls. 

USDOT regulates airlines. These rewards programs are run by airlines. By transitive property, USDOT regulates these airline rewards programs.

Congratulations. You bought what has to be one of the most pointless cars. These came with what? Like a 10 mile EV range? PLUS you’ll get the infamous pain-in-the-ass unreliable VAG group levels of problems... without a warranty. Good luck.

And to continue on, I don’t know if Gizmodo will be allowed to say anything about Project 2025, even though they’ve been “freed” from the “Stick to sports” private equity group. But we don’t have an influential Deadspin at the moment, as far as I know? So the actions to save the U.S. as a representative democracy have

I just assumed they’re just gonna reskin Rivians, call them Scouts, and call it a day.

Routh is gay.

Ah yes, the problem with social media all along is people online have been too restrained by shame and humility

The few bait threads on Reddit by people complaining (some being direct, some hiding it behind other excuses) are almost universally downvoted and the vast majority of users shout them down. 

Yes came here to ask what percentage of users are actually complaining?
A few moaners on Twitter doesn’t mean anything, and media site like Gizmodo are desperate for content, so just amply the minority.

I have played it since.... (does some bad maths), the 90's when I play Epic Space Marine (god the small figure where

I’ve been playing 40K since 1996.

The US has 300% more vehicle deaths per capita than Germany. How does Germany do that? Not with any of that BS you wrote about. They have strict licensing requirements and good transit infrastructure.