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There’s some Irish in that beginning,..

Giggling at this but also, previously thinking soccer parents are the very worst, hearing the guy in the background yelling “TACKLE HER! TACKLE HER!” has me rethinking my rankings.

Maybe I missed this but, did he call bank?

He’d need to be banking some of those shots as well.

Is there any phrase that says “Trump nominee” better than “punched a servant at a racehorse auction”?

Betting the Ravens will not allow this to happen again. You can quote me on it.

Stephanie, which one is safer? Is there any data comparing Europe and US salmonella incidence? Geeky, googleable question I suppose but,..I’d like to freak my wife out and leave the eggs on the counter next week.

Just wish he’d gone full “Brandi Chastain” and ripped that bad boy off to start ninja kicking,...

Nothing in the world says “soccer fight” like dude in black half tank at 1:18,....nothing.


So glad I’m by myself watching this now. Tears streaming down my face at someone else’s terrible decision,...and why IS that? Is it the relief that, as messed up as I am, this guy and his ilk are out there somewhere? Is it because I assume that he voted Trump? I think its old and human and that when one of our

This, in total, may be the video of the year. Nacho Libre mask? Check. Grandfathers punching each other out? Check. Children being held in the fight? Giant dreadlocks? Steelers jersey AND a Jesse fricken Armstead Redskins jersey at a Dolphins-Niners game? Amazing.

Boston sports radio is going batshit. People can’t believe he’d do such a thing. I do. Saw him in Hyannis Harbor last summer next to his 30-foot blue Grady White fishing boat emblazoned with 3 foot high sparkle gold letters reading “VI Rings”. I called over to him to have my 7 year old wave and the gas attendant

Boston sports radio is going batshit. Confirmed Belicheck sent it. People can’t believe he’d do such a thing. I do. Saw him in Hyannis Harbor last summer next to his 30 foot blue Grady White fishing boat emblazoned with 3 foot high sparkle gold letters reading “VI Rings”. I called over to him to have my 7 year

Please tell me that no one has posted yet that, considering the defendant, charges will be dropped. Please.

While I was trying unsuccessfully to craft an “I vanka see Mel Ott’s Cock” thing, I remembered this story that has nothing to do with the Trumps, but plenty to do with cock.

Didn’t recognize that guy as Jim McMahon without the glasses until just now.

“GFY” guy is the most offensive person wearing a bears uniform all year.

I stopped watching and caring because I grew up a Cowboys fan.