
I’d start taking pictures of the cars, VINS and license plates and post it to Facebook and the like. It’s fair game if it’s in public. “Is this your super-car, parked on the street in my neighborhood?” You can’t touch the cars, you can look at and photograph them outside and inside though.

My guess is they found this was the tip of the iceberg and they’re afraid of a bunch of angry richish customers. 

I’d probably contact my credit card company and see if they could claw back the payment. They have proof it was fraudulent. Then I wouldn’t have to deal with the dealer at all.

The total mileage is 109,000 and the car comes with a clean title and a car cover.

I’m going to hazard a guess that it might be related to the PCV systems all cars run.  It burns off oil vapors created in a running engine.  Dirty oil is full of water and unburned fuel too.  It’s one reason short tripping is hard on cars. The oil never gets hot enough to burn off the contamination that all oil

No I’m saying your draconian idea is ridiculous and needlessly punishes the innocent. That’s how you get shit policy like prohibition and the “war” on drugs.

That and it not just the drivers who use phones in moving cars. Cars carry passengers too. Passengers can use phones safely just fine at any speed.

I was comparing the weight of my 09 Honda Fit to the ‘70's VW buses the family used to drive. The Fit is 100-200lbs heavier than the VW bus. If you crawl underneath you can see where that weight is. There are decent sized steel braces built into the chassis as part of the crash structure. It had a 5 star rating back

There’s a clutch and there’s a reduction gear so the engine direct drives through the clutch and reduction gear.  I’d hardly call that a “transmission” although I guess technically it’s a one gear transmission. 

This is the best way to look at the upsell.  As a free inspection.  

So what’s left of Jalop? 

Do they powder coat bike frames?  I’d probably run to my local powder coater to strip and coat the fame.  PC is exceptionally durable too. Resists most chemicals as well. 

I agree completely. It’s a crap shoot. The line is different depending on your age or color too. The cops know when to treat someone harshly and when doing so might be a mistake.

I’m disappointed the judge just didn’t dismiss the charges.

Why can’t Delta just maintain a banned list and not do business with these people anymore?

Seems like much ado about nothing. It’s been common since ages ago for car companies to NOT install parts for options you’re not paying for when you bought the car. No AC if you didn’t pay for AC. No power seats if you didn’t pay for power seats.

If I was Bezos I’d be afraid of mutiny. Someone push him off the boat in the middle of the high seas or tie him up and hold him for ransom then float it to some place to strip and sell for parts. Hell, even his security detail couldn’t be trusted once they got into international waters. If i was him, I wouldn’t set

I agree with you.

I was wondering about that too.  Typically the law is you can install a newer drivetrain but not an older one. So upgrading a 1977 truck to say a 2UZ from a modernish tundra, as long as you maintain emissions, is OK. 

I love the lack of agency. The car magically totaled itself. Like god did it.