And when prices rise, we have rich Kristen to bail us all out!
And when prices rise, we have rich Kristen to bail us all out!
Please re-read the comment and spare me your foul hyperbole. Clearly my agreeing with many concepts of modern liberalism diametrically opposes me politically to the very-far right that was elected to the White House. That doesn’t remove my belief that slut-shaming as a whole is a toxic activity in this country and…
It’s certainly fascinating to watch the comments on this site. You would think defamation of a female in general would generate outcries of support, but due to her associations with right wing politics and the choice of who she married, this whole section reads like a slut-shaming article that this site would normally…
Great writeup!
The ordnance you are describing is far more expensive than a tomahawk. Typically DoD wants to have an appropriate assessment before committing that kind of money to a strike - or at least some relatively reliable intel. Using that much money on a runway is just a bad use of taxpayer dollars in comparison with…
I thought you had to be important to be assassinated?
When asked for comment, Terence Crutcher was still dead.
Too close to Marx, needs more leftist tilt. Viva la proletariat! /s
Socialism is adjacent and tightly woven with communism; the problem with our current situation is that it isn’t even capitalism, it’s far closer to an oligarch-controlled emulation of a free market. Socialist reformers tend to espouse extreme leftist views and confiscatory policies rather than something that could be…
How is this any different than states paying out more for healthcare as part of medicaid expansion efforts that have nothing to do with PP?
Just FYI the filibuster is still in place. Reid took out the filibuster for all presidential nominees (minus supreme court justices) during Obama’s term, and McConnell is likely going to take it out for supreme court nominees. The minority party will still have full use of it on bills, debates, and other orders of…
Just suggestions since it’s a tough trail.
1st: Is there some used taxi market that I don’t know about? I always figured that taxis and rental cars have very negative reputations for not being cared for quite as well as they should be.
It may or may not help, but when you’re doing investigations on intelligence personnel of any type, you’ll usually get conflicting information. The best way I’ve seen to resolve this typically involves talking to contacts that can find status reports filed by the individual, then see if any unclassified versions or…
I’d suggest some Jalop culture here since I’m a porsche fan, but basically if you look at many used porsche cayennes, they are crazy cheap. Cursory searches include cayennes in the 25-40k range used. Also, I’m not sure about boat prices, but even people I know in the 35k-50k/yr range have boats. They just pay down…
I think you’re missing the fundamental concept here. State law applies differently to foreign nationals than it does to US citizens. That is a fundamental federal issue; a CA state entity could do nothing if federal agents deported or incarcerated the foreign national.
If you look at US v. Roberts this concept of…
The point I’m making is that the federal interest could be used to basically ignore CA case law. An administration working this hard to incentivize self-deportation would not be above something as crass as using a case like this to further its hostility perception by subverting local state laws, particularly in states…
I’d really love if they would manage vehicle proportions better. For example, I am supremely happy that I can fit comfortably in the 718 Boxster/Cayman, but I’m far too tall to fit in the 996, the FRS/BRZ, and many other sporty coupe cars. Being tall makes it nearly impossible to comfortably operate a manual. :(
This is very hard to do as someone already committing an illegal act by being undocumented in the country. Courts do not look favorably on lawbreakers bringing charges, particularly when foreign nationals attempt to use it as a way to harm US citizens.
Note also that in many regards it is impossible for foreign…
He needs to Focus less on religion and more on engineering! Afterwards we can celebrate with a Fiesta for the win.