
Fool! That is exactly what THEY want you to do!

Do I get a complementary tin foil hat for reading to the end?

The biggest problem is that it is very easy to manipulate city per capita murder data by drawing lines around what constitutes a city’s metropolitan area. Take StL for example, do you include everything from St. Charles to Belleville? Or just ignore all the suburbs and count only those in the city limits?
This becomes

One major thing to keep in mind is that wage gaps can be dramatic in some industries and non-existent in others. Some good examples are finance and law where the deltas between equally qualified associates and early career professionals can vary dramatically, then even out by mid and late career management. Another

This is certainly good in the case of places where actual genocides are taking place, Syria being the go-to example today (although civil war is more apt than genocide). However the vast quantities of undocumented immigrants in the US do not come from war-torn Syria, but from Mexico, central and south American

Having healthcare is important to the overall health and well-being of individuals. Conflating that important issue with sheltering individuals from institutions (slavery, holocaust) that actively engaged in systematic, sanctioned genocide may be eye-grabbing but is ultimately just minimizing their contribution and

I’m sure this will be buried, but figure I’ll give it a shot anyway.

This is not a bad idea, but the true issue is that we as humans tend to trend towards becoming set in our ways and willing to put less effort into things the longer we do them. For example, my binder would literally be completely different if I were

And yes, committing green card and insurance fraud are serious crimes. So were hiding Jews in your attic or slaves in your basement.

Storage and distribution of hydrogen will always be a problem until it becomes a government priority. If it was supported, subsidized, and proliferated the way the government props up oil & gas companies, there would be true competition. As it is, there are too many overall government-directed benefits aimed at oil

Who’s your most annoying colleague?

I liked reading the “hot” part of the last paragraph like “stolen”, makes it seem like the most well camouflaged chop shop ever. 

Any suggestions on finding bars that have higher heights? For those of us that are excessively tall, it’s very hard to find a bar that works. Also I normally have to bend my knees at 90 degrees or more to be under the bar, is this making it harder or more likely to put strain on something?

This less about what idiots write on twitter, and much more about how life in the public eye works. Given the age and upbringing that Pence likely had, to him this is a way of safeguarding himself against perceived impropriety. For many political circumstances on the right, the perception is enough to make things

While it’s obviously a dumb situation, the truth is that when it comes to things like revealing intelligence on security leaks, you have to get a ton of buy-in from basically everyone. In a normal situation, at the very least you need something akin to a joint-IC approval to release if the information contains intel

As we’ve seen with previous blatant perjury behaviors, Bill Clinton’s being the most notable in recent memory, perjury is never (successfully) prosecuted at high levels.

Even just voting for Clinton made a lot of us feel grimey. Hard to be happy when both candidates have zero regard for the intelligence community and disregard the importance of protecting classified matter so flagrantly.

I’m surprised at the charges, I would have expected something along the lines of conspiracy to commit domestic terrorism or similar. Intelligence gathering and detailed planning aren’t the same as throwing together some homemade IEDs in terms of criminal charges.

Really it’s all a conspiracy by BIG PLANT lobbyists. A true brainchild of the Monsanto Illuminatus! (/s in case it’s not obvious)

The terminology refers to how sometimes police are called out to residences to quell shouting matches that are disturbing the neighbors. Such calls are referred to as “domestics” and do not always have violence, death, etc. as a component. A domestic “gone right” as you put it would be the officers quelling the

It would be nice if this much emphasis was shown during the Obama years, particularly against Harry Reid and his flouting of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act and the behavior of Obama & Secretary Chu in violating the Nonproliferation Treaty.