To be honest I think Mafia 3 gameplay looks more promising. The gameplay in this just seems rehashed with better graphics.
To be honest I think Mafia 3 gameplay looks more promising. The gameplay in this just seems rehashed with better graphics.
I disagree with many of the titles listed, What about Shadow of Morador? Fallout 4? Hitman!? Destiny?
That’s not what cheating is about. Cheaters don’t go looking for someone hotter.
Yum! You can taste the car!
This was a mistake made by their QA, which is understandable. What you don’t ever see or hear about is the countless horrible bugs that QA identified and got fixed, those never get any attention only the minor issues that sneak past.
Bobby Calhoun’s 1UZ-swapped drift beater got completely busted during Club Loose drift event, so what does he do? He…
We need more partisan political Gawker influence in Jalopnik. There hasn’t been enough since they were justifiably bankrupted.
Donald Trump, a janky Lamborghini Diablo made entirely out of cheeto dust in human form, once owned a Lamborghini…
Yesterday, Apple released its latest major software update with iOS 10. As far as I can tell, the iteration exists…
“Our development continues to push itself to the fullest and we look forward to revealing new content toward launch.”
I don’t think Sony realizes the potencial damage this can be for the sales of the PS4 during the holiday season. I bet that Skyrim remastered will be one of the top sellers of this generation (like GTA V, that every month is in the top 10) and Sony just gave a big reason to people buy an Xbox One instead of a PS4.
I don’t get this at all, does Sony really think they are so far ahead that they can piss off a substantial subset of gamers and there won’t be a backlash?
In the 1940s, Oak Ridge National Laboratory helped create nuclear weapons. In 2016, Oak Ridge National Laboratory…
Who in their right mind would back these kids and think anything other than this would happen. Making games takes experience and if any Joe Shmo could just make a good multiple platform shooter to compete with COD (or even come close) then they would have years ago.
Trailer looked horrible, supprised it got 20,000. And the progress after looked like they tried to reverse engineer COD.
The first thing you need to do in Fallout 4, obviously, is find a decent weapon. The Wasteland is a deadly,…
The end result still looks like ijustine’s face lol
Battlefield 1's beta is in progress on Playstation 4, Xbox One, and PC. Players are showing off some amazing snipes,…
I’m not the biggest fan of traditional sports games. What I really enjoy are the wackier takes on popular pastimes…