To be honest I think Mafia 3 gameplay looks more promising. The gameplay in this just seems rehashed with better graphics.
To be honest I think Mafia 3 gameplay looks more promising. The gameplay in this just seems rehashed with better graphics.
I own a Figma Solid snake and its excellent, Figma is one of the highest quality figures I’ve come across.
I disagree with many of the titles listed, What about Shadow of Morador? Fallout 4? Hitman!? Destiny?
Of course they have to deny it, but come on just take a close look at these characters. This is a shameless clone of Overwatch and its pretty obvious
Yum! You can taste the car!
This was a mistake made by their QA, which is understandable. What you don’t ever see or hear about is the countless horrible bugs that QA identified and got fixed, those never get any attention only the minor issues that sneak past.
Is that where No Man Sky got the idea?
Who in their right mind would back these kids and think anything other than this would happen. Making games takes experience and if any Joe Shmo could just make a good multiple platform shooter to compete with COD (or even come close) then they would have years ago.
advertiser’s must have not been happy with the videos they are getting stuck with for their money.
The correct ranking is from best to worst:
I agree with this article, well written. GJ
Wait who is this guy again? Is this Vanilla Ice’s son?
Those better be Nazi Zombies, and wheres my jet pack.
Not a question, but great job on the split screen podcast and all your articles in the past year. I used to rarely visit Kotaku, now I visit your site almost every day. Thanks for rocking!
What are your favorite podcasts? Do guys listen to them while working?
Whats the 3 games with the best music in the past year?
Who owns the fastest car in the office? What car is it?
How is QA in the game industry still getting such low wages and such a bad rap despite playing such a major role in development? Seems like QA is still being treated like complete 2nd class citizens in almost every studio.