
didnt want furries in my newsfeed today... or any day really.

The correct ranking is from best to worst:

List ranking orders, from best to worst:

I agree with this article, well written. GJ

If you waited 15 minutes there wouldn’t be a need to post anything. But it’s Overwatch and you cannot help yourselves.

OG Lara was about being sexy and powerful. Millenial Lara is about suffering through torture porn.

Wait who is this guy again? Is this Vanilla Ice’s son?

People. Don’t buy the season pass. As much as I know you want to, don’t. It may be the “better” deal overall, but we really need to stop throwing money at companies with no real idea about the return. If you buy them individually overtime, you may be spending a few bucks more, but at least you can be confident in what

How is QA in the game industry still getting such low wages and such a bad rap despite playing such a major role in development? Seems like QA is still being treated like complete 2nd class citizens in almost every studio.