I’m in far West Texas and I see trucks bringing turbine blades almost weekly. Good luck if you are behind them on a freeway ramp and they need to merge in, since they are regular elongated 18 wheeler trailers, it’s like a 12 point turn
I’m in far West Texas and I see trucks bringing turbine blades almost weekly. Good luck if you are behind them on a freeway ramp and they need to merge in, since they are regular elongated 18 wheeler trailers, it’s like a 12 point turn
I knew that one day the Southern Gothic in him would break through. It’s been simmering right under the surface for a long time.
Me too, as long as those supporting characters are Beavis and Butthead.
“It Stinks!”
I want my gritty reboot of “The Critic” starring Jay Sherman!
Can’t wait to love this show and then see it ruined by the inability to maintain music rights!
Nope. Just because bicyclists are subject to the same laws as motor vehicles does not mean that they don’t have right-of-way. Every state I’ve been licensed to drive in specifically states that bikes have right of way over cars, while also saying that they are subject to the same laws as motor vehicles.
Think about it…
Many cities require bikes to ride in the road and reserve sidewalks for pedestrians. Bikers in the road are usually road bikes going 20+mph, where it is significantly less safe to try and dodge pedestrians and strollers on the sidewalk. Interestingly enough, biking in the city is rarely a concern - it’s usually the…
I’ve been cycling for 20 years and I fail to see the type of cyclist you’re talking about, but they’ve been prolifically chronicled on the internet. The only cyclists I see are the ones trying to not die while taking every safeguard available. I’m talking about road bikes, not kids on a rattle can painted BMX riding…
Fun fact: those “entitled asshats” actually have the right-of-way
Bicycles are permitted, even required, to be on the roads in most urban settings. It is the responsibility of car drivers to share the road with them. Yes, some riders ignore traffic signals but by and large most cyclists don’t die because they ran a stop sign and got hit by a car. Usually they get run over while…
Explain the pedestrian deaths.
I gotta think these would be huge in the rock crawler community. 100% torque from 0 rpm, ultra-fine control of wheel speed, and you could roll it over without having to worry about fluids going where they’re not supposed to... Just set it back on its wheels and go, like it’s a giant RC car.
Going from V12 to 12V? Now that’s a switcheroo.
The torque the electric motors produce though means it would probably feel and be quicker than the 138ish HP from the ICE engine.
It doesn’t even need to be tied to age.
If the intent of the original framers of the Constitution still held sway Clarence Thomas would still be livestock.
Legal: Jailbreaking/rooting smartphones
Illegal: Game Console repairs