
He was definitely involved in desegregation legislation in Alabama.... He was involved in obstructing it beforehand and destroying it afterwards.

Zombie strippers?

Have her on as a Patty-like mentor who plays the no nonsense I’m-too-old-for-this-shit retired warrior.

That would be the shade of a skilled diplomat that insults you while you feel complimented.

Well... execution should not be a punishment: it is a solution to a criminal that is not currently capable of being reformed (made safe to be in society) with current technology.

Unfortunately that tool has anger management problems and is the right age for senile mood swings and total mental disorientation.

I can’t wait until this platform is armed with a suitably powered solid state laser.

On that note: does it count as an act of murder if he is constantly fed high cholesterol & high sodium food so that his ragin’ is much more likely to trigger a fatal stroke?

Being an “average” American raised under the full commercial immersion of a Christian mish-mash I understand where the misinformed bigotry against witches, Wiccans and pretty much every other non Judeo Christian faith comes from.

Now playing

They must be from the Weird Al or Dr. Demento parody and mocking spectrum; this hyper-commercialized consumption orgy that we call “Christmas” deserves to be mocked.

Starvation and dying family members have a way of realigning ones beliefs.

Now playing

The Legally Blonde clip referenced by the OP:

My 2nd car was called The Hairball because it was consistently a grey-brown mess and sounded like a cat hacking something up when running. Certainly not a car to be proud of but at least it performed the duties of a car: it went.

In agreement with the OP and from the perspective of a white guy who grew up with these wingnuts and much MUCH worse: lemme just add...

Just in time!

Kellyanne Conway: making prostitution look like more of an honorable and valid career choice every day.

Sadly “Pipelines and Gay Conversion” sounds like it could be gay pr0n: someone is unsuspectedly converted to “teh gay”, “pipelines something something” .