I’ll read and honestly consider any conservative news founded ENTIRELY in RealFact. No GoodFact, rumors, FUD or character assassinations.
I’ll read and honestly consider any conservative news founded ENTIRELY in RealFact. No GoodFact, rumors, FUD or character assassinations.
I blame fear of Reductio ad Hitlerum: we have an entire generation trained to not mention evil even when it is appropriate.
Wouldn’t it be funny if Kanye went on a rant calling out someone, listing all his crimes and general fuckery before naming the shit head in question:
Snopes is a libtard conspiracy so it must be true and double dumbass on you!
As a long time customer of Vornado fans let me just put this our there about their new “Energy Smart” fans:
As a long time customer of Vornado fans let me just put this our there about their new “Energy Smart” fans:
Republican Party is gonna get sneaky: everyone will show up to vote and Trump will be listed as the “White Nationalist Party” while the Republicans use up all of their remaining “evil powers” to put Jeb Bush on the ballot.
Is any government agency collecting the specific stat of gasoline car fires?
Yeah, but a lot of country music is bad. Is this song actually bad or ironically bad like Starship Troopers or Attack of the Killer Tomatoes ?
When an image is captioned with “Once you see it you can’t unsee it” I automatically expect to see a screamer gif or reflectoporn.
Civil suit against Republican party to reclaim costs in taxpayer dollars wasted on redundant Benghazi hearings .
All she has to do is get him just angry enough to attack her.
Respect the classics man!
As a woman she knows that she is going to be constantly held to higher standards than male counterparts; impossibly high since she’s going to be POTUS.
Now would be a good time to swap in old, boring, safe Jeb Bush.
Hillary can run as the sane Republican that she actually is and Sanders can run as the Democrat.
I’m torn: OTOH, I want to read a detailed scientific explanation of what you just said. My scientific geekiness knows no bounds other than paying for access to scientific journals.
I wonder if this is an elaborate scheme to launder campaign funds into his personal accounts.
I’m just sayin’...
We should condone all violence, especially this gun crap, but it seems that the death execution of the 14 year old’s father right before he went on a “rampage” that could have definitely been much MUCH worse really points to the cause.
Leela has no need for pity nor outmoded gender roles. Her gun is set for “woke” and she’s bringing enlightenment to a sexist cesspool near you.