
Ok, I’m sold.


Just like a little rug rat to start flipping you off while they're cute enough to get away with it.

Don’t ignore the long term strategic advantage of keeping those you despise somewhere you and the entire world can watch them.

At the very least he’s going to get the 3rd degree from his CO whose 4th of July festivities he interrupted with petty enlisted matters.

Oh yeah, I have no delusion that she can be convinced by logic, reason, facts or any metric shit-ton combination of the 3.

Go to everyone you know in common and encourage them to get MMR boosters or at least ask their general practitioner/doctor if their immunization schedule is sufficient given the increased risk of a friend/acquaintance that will very likely be a disease vector soon.

I'm fairly certain that there was no need for anything further after the headline.

Of course the “more” expensive flashlight includes the 2 lithium rechargeable batteries and the charger.

Of course the “more” expensive flashlight includes the 2 lithium rechargeable batteries and the charger.

If a firearms dealer can be arrested and convicted of selling restricted weapons to psychopaths then the antivaxxer propaganda wing needs to be run to ground and prosecuted too.

Earlier I posted a link to a YouTube video of some kid’s 40 Watt laser thinking it would be a good way to set that abomination on fire remotely.

I’d want this specifically because it would require the male segment of the student body to be properly trained in self control and the rights of all individuals to not be sex objects.

Paintballs filled with diesel and a few tiny grains of white phosphorus.

All hail Skynet’s foul mouth!

Now playing

Plastic is a vital part of our bright tomorrow!

I just “love” a horrible camera angle: this one makes Sonia Sotomayor look as big as Andre the Giant.

Antiperspirant: good enough for smelly arm pits, more than good enough for feet.

The longest long-game Rick Roll on a custom built rig designed to hold power and play in 2113 when opened.

Xanatos? No.... darn.