
“Firefly” addiction is a serious condition. It begins with 13 hours of pure bliss and then follows with a lifetime of withdrawal. “Firefly” is so brilliant and compelling that it will make you angry that it got cancelled yet the Kardashians continue to get more funding.

“Firefly” addiction is a serious condition. It begins with 13 hours of pure bliss and then follows with a lifetime

You can never tell when Jesus’s Twitter account has been hacked because of the Trinity.

Why isn’t “Tha Lawd” more pissed off about this footwear of temptation?

It would be ironic if this territorial expansion was “resolved” by ocean level rising due to human caused global warming.

Get back to me when we are talking about the institutional ass whooping that is Hermione Granger taking over as Ministry of Magic.

I love how vapers base their opinion on the exhaust’s “safety” on “scientific” studies from the e-cig companies themselves. Can you say “profit motive to lie” boys and girls? I knew you could!

Thus the “fun” of working in a “Right to Work” state; I means that they can fire you for any lame ass reason, crack head reason or just no reason at all.

The Koch Brothers

Given the consistency with which police over exaggerate these things it’s probably just a mixture of high purity meth and PCP of lower quality.

I find that:

YouTube comments are getting better. Top comment on 5/25/15 with 837 upvotes:

Got this on a shirt. Probably my philosophy.

In one of those signature moments that reminded me immediately why I eschewed my traditional role as a macho male teenage boy I consumed WAY TOO MUCH hot sauce.

I decided to try to make rice crispys treats healthier.

Is this a commercial for Preparation H?

A comedy of errors is dramatic.

I drive a long haul truck. I am dependant upon google maps, an internet connection and constant electricity.

Execution is too good... I’m liking the old middle ages trick of being locked in a metal cage hoisted high in the air and let the crows go at him.