Quarrelin' Hardy

Do you honestly think those writings would ever have gotten past a corporate proofreader, if it weren’t for some risk-taking magazine editor to introduce their names to a wider audience? Back in the day, Playboy had tremendously great articles, and you should at least be grateful that they had a clear eye for

The Library of Congress has back issues in brail. They are literally only there for the articles.

Yes. These other replies are correct. Especially in the 70s, Playboy was one the finest literary journals in America. It was a cornucopia of incredible authors (such as the aforementioned genius, Kurt Vonnegut) contributing, now legendary, short stories, incisive political commentary, one-of-a-kind interviews & yes,

Amen. Its not like it was some sort of subversion on Johnsons part. I know it defied expectations, but those are expectations are solely the authors, no need to imply there was some sort of adversarial motivation behind it. I know conflict and attitude is big in this age of Trump but jesus, lets not turn EVERYTHING

I remember originally saying that there was no reason for Rey’s parents to be anybody precisely because it would fit her story so well, and the load of crap I got dumped on me for it.

And it’s weird to act like these are three independent movies and not, you know, a trilogy of connected ones. Made by a company known for being control freaks.

Yeah, I don’t think it’s Kylo screwing with her because it’s a mirror of the reveal in Empire. Whether it’s through the force or whatever, both Luke and Rey are able to “search their feelings” and confirm the truth.

It’s kind of ridiculous. I’m probably in the minority but I don’t agree that Rey’s family is a “mystery box” at all in TFA — I didn’t read anything in the film as suggesting Rey was anything but abandoned.

in the manga she’s as human as most of the other folks in the scrapyard, which is like 90% populated by cyborgs. She’s supposed to look “normal” in the context of that, so this decision is really weird and awkward.

Fuck, why the fuck did they DO that? Sigh . . .

Giving her manga eyes is a bad idea. I wanted to see this, when I first heard about it. I no longer want to, because I’m not going to pay $15 to be creeped out for two hours.

I can guarantee you this film will bomb at the box office, and one of the large factors in that box office failure will be the decision to give

Her eyes should hook up with Henry Cavill’s upper lip.

So they took a cute manga girl and turned her into..... that?

Bring us the girl, wipe away the debts.

Was the world really clamoring for IRL anime eyes?

What in the absolute fuck made them think giving her manga eyes in live action was a good idea?

Coincidentally, Christoph Waltz was in a movie called Big Eyes, about an artist who drew kids with big, creepy eyes.

I’ve seen horror trailers that creeped me out less than this did.