Quarrelin' Hardy

Thank god Borat was there to rescue her from that fucking depraved ghoul 


“tHis iS mADe fOr grOwNuPS”

I think what’s on some people’s mind regarding their hesitancy towards this is that how much could they keep beating the point until it becomes overdone? If, like the spoilers would have us believe, the message of the game is that violence only begets violence and it’s a never-ending circle unless one lets go of it,

I’m just imagining a version of ‘Mario Kart’ where the other racers tell you how disappointed they are in you every time you use a blue shell.

Spec Ops is a good point- the big ‘moment’ when it really shows its cards (the subversion of the classic ‘death from above’ COD moment) and forces you to do something horrible, it does so in a way that is only obvious after you do it. And even then, its murky on whether you were justified in the moment- the

Yea, that’s the other side of it. We won’t know for sure until we get our hands on it, but I really liked the way EGM’s Josh Harmon put it:

Eexactly- and it’s not like they lack options. The game has a stealth system- why not allow for stealthing around enemies. If I kill the guard in a situation because I want to avoid 5 minutes of sneaking past him and the game tells me I’m a monster for doing that, then I get that.

When I read this game gives you the choice of either murdering a dog or watching it whine over its dead owner I noped out. I’m tired of games only giving you violent means of resolution, then punishing you for taking that route, then calling that “commentary on the violence inherent to society.”

Even a positive review like this indicates naughty dog cant get past their own writing.

Who says these retroactive critiques are warranted? I guess I’ve read one too many essays about why I can’t or shouldn’t enjoy “The Office” or “Night Court”, or “Leisure Suit Larry” or any other work of fiction that was never meant to mirror real life to see the worth in them anymore.

No More Heroes is memorable for me because it was and is a ballsy sloppy gonzo punk offering from the decidedly un-punk Nintendo, a purposefully scattershot spectacle that makes no bones about the fact it will send up sexualisation and violence in video games and those appreciate it while still intentionally

With my ability to be outraged at a premium nowadays, I can’t and won’t get big-mad about an 11 year old Wii game.

“And while it’s a quick way for the game to get its message across, fast-forwarding through Jeane’s backstory is a disgustingly callous move that minimizes all the horror, much of it sexual, that she went through.”

I’m not sure this is entirely fair. If we were talking about a documentary, then there would be merit to

I couldn’t tell if it’s supposed to be a sequel or an upgraded re-release, like Cave Story got.

I thought that’s what he did before

A man who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client.

“The guilt of hating gun violence, but loving its movies”

I used to be critical of people being critical of the AV Club all the time. I just thought they were whiny and overly demanding. Well, times have changed.

I’m increasingly convinced this whole Kinja thing is a government funded psychological experiment.