Quarrelin' Hardy

I’d rather play Death Standing again, the other big budget PlayStation exclusive about building empathy and condemning violence that actually makes killing people pretty much the worst thing you can possibly do in the game and actively provides a large amount of alternatives to doing it on your journey.

Asuka apparently has the fifth longest title reign for a WWE champion of all time, behind Bruno Sammartino, Bob Backlund, Pedro Morales, and Hulk Hogan, and many of those were pre-WWF reigns. I think they're going to ride this one out a bit longer.

I want to revisit Binary Domain because it's made by the Yakuza team and their work is usually pretty solid. I got it on PS+ a long time ago and it just kind of got lost in the shuffle.

I thought Thimbleweed Park's voice acting was about average. Nothing special, but I certainly didn't find it to be bad either. I also barely used Reyes, though.

NXT Sidenote - so, does Asuka finally meet her match, or will she retain and go on to face the winner of the Mae Young Classic?

2006 Me agrees that MGS3 is excellent, and 2017 Me is glad you're finally playing it. Please look forward to the final battle and the ending. It's one of the best in video games.

I was happy that I could discuss games like NieR Automata with a group of people willing to give the game a fair shot, and was very happy that many people came to really love the game. I was happy to make Keyboard Geniuses debating the merits of Flint from Mother 3. I was happy to discuss what games I was considering

It's also one of the few storytelling mediums/TV shows that you can actually attend live and be an active participant in through crowd responses. It's a really fun time being part of an active crowd at a live show.

Yeah, probably. I watch it regularly and recently got my wife into it too. I basically had to stop trying to explain it at all and just let her stumble upon me watching it and let her figure it out on her own. Now she wants to actually know more about it, and probably follows more wrestlers on social media than I do.

I completely understand you, William. Game Center CX is wonderful show, and I too really appreciated the Retro Game Challenge game based on it. It really did capture the feel of being kid in the 80's, playing video games with your friend with nothing more than rumors and game magazines to guide you. I'm sad that we

We actually got a pretty good internal announcement from our CEO today (no, I will not confirm which one it was) about this, and according to it, the remaining members of the council made the decision to quit the panel. Funny to see Trump then turn around and try to act like it was his idea.

Oh god, really? That hideous piece of shit from the Vice doc is from my state? Fuck.

I'm now imagining all confederate moments with permanently affixed horse-head masks, and I'm extremely amused.

I've visited Baltimore many times, and this news makes me very happy. I'm glad they did the right thing. At least some good is coming from this depressing week.

Don't forget the Statue of Liberty being in the background in a photo on the cover of Vogue!

They exposed secrets of the Klan regularly each episode, because I think it was one of the show's writers that went undercover to their meetings. It's a really fascinating story about using pop culture to fight injustice in real life.

Jack Kirby is a fucking American hero.

They picked the perfect topic for FarCry 5. I haven't played much of the series beyond about half of 3 and a couple hours of Blood Dragon, but I can't wait for 5.

I'm thrilled to hear that this game captures everything wonderful about the classic Sonic games from nearly everyone that has tried it. I look forward to picking it up for my Switch this week.

I want to add the ACLU's definition of censorship to your post as well, as they also agree that censorship can be something pressed by private, non-government groups.