Quarrelin' Hardy

I won't give in.

I was in the wrestling comments every single week, for every show, and spent several hours a day when reviews went up discussing it with people there, and it got unceremoniously axed. I'm fully expecting the content cuts to continue.

I kinda of like Heavy Rain on a Cinemax B-Movie level, and Indigo Prophecy/Fahrenheit was OK until it completely fell apart right around halfway through, but I had to pass on Beyond Two Souls and I'm completely disinterested in Detroit. He doesn't seem interested in improving his work.

I personally love Snatcher. I spent hours sitting in JUNKER HQ on the JORDAN computer, just reading all about the food and history of Neo Kobe City, and seeing how many secret entries I could find by searching for random names of people and places found in the files or in the game's credits. Sure, the game is cobbled

You really don't need to. Drakengard 1 is bit tough to go back to, 2 wasn't directed or written by Yoko Taro and has nothing to do with the cannon plot of the series anymore, and NieR Automata has at least one minor Easter Egg related to Drakengard 3, but otherwise 3 doesn't have much of a connection to either NieR's

Gotta keep on running faster, save the planet from disaster!

I believe the story sequences in chapter 2 unlock after set amounts of missions are completed, and I'm pretty sure side-quests count. I got the final mission and true ending by just doing a bunch of side-quests I skipped and not touching many of the total stealth or extreme missions.

I would recommend it. I personally enjoyed it more than either Arkham City or Arkham Knight.

I feel like a lot of the strange pacing and mission selection of Chapter 2 is due to all the Konami behind-the-scenes BS. It's pretty obvious with how Chapter 1 played out that there was more story to tell, they just really weren't allowed to finish it. I think that's really the only thing holding back MGSV from being

I think I said this before, but I actually kind of liked fishing in NieR and NieR Automata. I never had the same struggles with it that seemingly everyone else on the planet had.

That's actually one of the things that made me stop playing Far Cry 3. I don't like killing animals for a better ammo pouch. I don't hunt in real life, but for some reason even virtual hunting bothers me. The only time I can really deal with it is if the game makes you do it to eat, like Metal Gear Solid 3 or Zelda:

This just jogged my memory of a school project I did back in middle school as a kid. It was 1993 and the debate about video game violence was raging in the news over Night Trap and Mortal Kombat, and I used video I recorded on VHS of Sonic CD as evidence that video games could be about saving the world and making it a

Well, honestly, I did feel that way back when I first played it. Now, with my current perspective after revisiting the original series as a whole, I think Sonic 3 & Knuckles is the best. Sonic CD and Sonic 2 where basically two different teams' ideas on where the series should go after the original, and while Sonic 2

Sounds right to me!

I personally like the original and Wario Land 4 quite a bit, but I have mixed feelings about 2 and 3. The controls just seem a bit too stiff. I also have been having a desire to revisit Wario Land: Shake It for the Wii, because I never finished it and was recently reminded of how good the animation was in it.

Ryuk just wanted to eat good apples and play Mario Kart, dammit!

Sorry, I honestly think Kojima is a genius. He may not be perfect, but at least he knows how to make a legitimately great and influential game, and actually has something to say, even if he can get a little too navel-gazing sometimes. David Cage can't even commit to his unoriginal "androids are slaves" metaphor with

Knuckles Chaotix is an unplayable nightmare. I also have a Raspberry Pi system put together for me by a friend of mine, and I finally tried it out there. It feels like a completely broken prototype that should have gone back to the drawing board, not released as a finished product. Basic movement in a 2D platformer

I would definitely recommend playing Automata to completion, because it does have a great story that goes some wonderful, intense, bizarre and moving places. However, I think what still makes me prefer the original NieR on some level is the main cast.

Sonic CD is really a polarizing game, isn't it? I revisited it recently and it's still one of my favorites in the series, though the load times when switching between past and present worlds do hurt the flow. But I do see a lot of people out there who just don't like it. There doesn't seem to be much middle ground on