Quarrelin' Hardy

I feel like David Cage games could be pretty solid stuff if David Cage would let someone else execute his ideas for him. He wants to be Hideo Kojima and he is not.

I'll need to pick up Miitopia at some point, because it looks like a fun little distraction. I was messing around with the theater demo and got a sad story about Bob Ross falling in love with Bayonetta, but she eventually left him for Mr. T. Also, the cat mascot was Morgan Freeman and the evil emperor was Steve Urkel.

I like loading screens that allow you the screw around with them to pass the time, even if it's something minor like that. I almost added that one to my list, actually.

I have a couple.

Glad you're liking the original NieR! It's a vastly underrated game, with a story every bit as good as the widely praised Automata this year. Honestly, as much as I am in love with Automata, I still sort of lean more in favor of Gestalt's story.

I just read this and now I have already made plans to steal that Until Dawn idea with my wife. I enjoyed what I played of it, but never got very far and it just kind of fell on the back-burner. This sounds like a really fun new way to approach it, so I'm looking forward to it! Also, props to Matt for Mr. Driller. I

I'm interested in seeing if he's serious or if this is just another one of his teases. One thing is for sure though, they definitely need something new to do on Raw soon.

So the title of the article changed for the third time… I wonder if this will continue for the rest of the day.

For me, there's plenty of people who run companies that make products I like that have political views I don't agree with. For example, I like the Marvel Studios films, even though Marvel CEO Ike Perlmutter is a Trump supporter who donated to his campaign. However, I have a hard time holding that against the entirety

If someone's willing to write it, I see no reason not to cover shows like Survivor.

Something about Bayley getting injured makes me really bummed out. Not that I don't get concerned for other people's injuries, but it seems especially sad when it's the Hugger getting hurt.

I think you hit the nail on the head, and I especially agree with the comic-book element of it. For the longest time, the closest thing we ever got to superhero comics on TV was wrestling, and you're right, sometimes its closer to the real thing than many shows/movies actually based on comics. I also love the sheer

In all fairness, if "All Red Everything" was legitimate, Eva Marie should seriously consider checking in with her primary care physician.

I noticed that too. I was not surprised, because they obviously designed her costume without really thinking about what could potentially slip out while actively moving about.

I feel like the AV Club is trying to turn itself into the Huffington Post. More political news and lifestyle coverage than entertainment discussion. If I wanted to read that, I would just go there.

Sorry that our close-knit community of fans that looked forward to discussing one of our favorite TV shows with other people each week made you feel bad about yourself for completely nebulous reasons that are entirely on you. You don't have to worry about us after today, though, so I guess you win.

I might work if they have him turn heel and have him lying about it to take advantage of Kurt Angle's naivety, but I'm not quite sure that Jason Jordan has the personality to pull that off, either. We'll see, I guess.

Seriously. I think the Jason Jordan angle is a huge mistake, and will do far more damage to him as a character than help. It comes off like a bad Attitude-Era idea.

Random Observations from last night:

That's it, you're jobbing to Warrior in 30 seconds.