Quarrelin' Hardy

At this point, if all these crazy scenes in the final release turned out to be a RickRoll front and the rest of the game is just an endless stream of home videos of Hideo and Mads hanging out in Japan, I’d still love everything about this. 100% down for Mr. Kojima’s Wild Ride, whatever this turns out to be.

Tells you how they feel about their children.

Yes, the Roy Moore lady on CNN was a piece of work.

I really don’t want to be a DC hater but it is incredible how much better this trailer looks than the ‘Justice League’ trailer.

That was exactly my concern with Civil War. Frankly I didn’t see how they could cram that many supers into a single movie - including introducing two new ones - and have it make a damn bit of sense. But (IMO) they nailed it. Given that this is directed by the same guys, I remain cautiously optimistic.

Oh, fuck that.

For the record, if they don’t adapt this scene of Cap staring down Thanos I will be extremely disappointed.

If you think about it, Thanos in the original Infinity Gauntlet event is basically a “Nice Guy” who tries to give the literal personification of Death stuff in a futile attempt to get her to love him.

Well, it definitely lived up to the hype in my opinion. I can’t wait.

Always keep your deceipts.

I’d give even odds that James O’Keefe is the actual guy who recorded the “Bernie Bernstein” robo-calls.

Even before figuring out Project Veritas’ apparent involvement, The Washington Post noticed some inconsistencies in the story the woman—who went by Jaime Phillips—had told them, including her sudden skittishness when reporters tried to ask for any kind of corroborating evidence. She also denied living in Alabama even

She sounds like a really deceiptful person.

“and her supposed employer did know of a Jaime Phillips.”

I got a feeling it’s in the same way that, oh, the National Football League is a non-profit.

You ever tried to hire someone to commit fraud? You don’t get the best people for a job like that.

You think they have a really deep roster of people to choose from? This is the bottom of the barrel.

What I don’t understand is this ...

Project Veritas is a non-profit?
