Quarrelin' Hardy

“little thought has been given to the Apu character beyond the accent, that Apu is his ethnicity (and a blatantly distorted one at that) and that’s it.”

Found the programmer. 

I don’t see this superhero fatigue people keep mentioning. Thor: Raganarok made all sorts of money already. Spider-Man, Wonder Woman and Guardians 2 both did really well this summer. Even the DCU movies make money, at least the first weekend. Honestly for being so disliked by critics, it only seems that BvS ended up a

Exactly, even the two worst MCU movies(Iron Man 2 and Thor 2) are watchable and enjoyable. I’d sit both of them 10 times over slogging through BvS or SS a second time

Sure, Ignatiy, how much did Disney pay you for that review, huh?


IMO: The fact that Dr Strange counts as “mediocre” in the MCU is a ringing endorsement of the overall quality of the MCU.

There’s a life-sized Flash statue near my office and it looks so stupid. He sort of looks like a cheap, blocky, daredevil action figure.

Ugh. I shudder every time I see that Flash costume. He’s supposed to look sleek and fast. His costume shouldn’t look like it’s made of melted bowling balls held together with the wire you use to hang pictures.

Exactly. It felt like Synder was saying ‘saving cats from trees is “gay,” you know what’s cool? Branding rapists so they’re killed in prison! Fuck you, Jimmy Olsen, you’re dead! Check out ripped Alfred, bro! EXTREME!’

but Superman 1/2 or Batman/Returns level of ‘fun’ wouldn’t be such a bad thing.

The climax of the movie is the emotionally-charged moment when Batman realizes that they’re actually called “Martha Boxes,” and I’ll just show myself out thanks

I’m still going to see this, because I like comic book movies (the only recent ones I’ve missed/avoided were Ghost Rider 2 and Jonah Hex).

Do the jokes bleed?

There are jokes here—actual, funny jokes—though some of them are sadly lost to bad timing and overly busy sound design.

Sean — and I say this with an incredible amount of respect for you as a writer (one of my favorites on the internet), a journalist, and a person — this is legitimately clickbait bullshit. The mountain of qualifiers heaped in the second half of this article practically unwrites the first and proves that point. Except

Why do famous people, more often than not, cover themselves in kitchen table garbage tattoos? Jesus, you’ve got the fucking money, pay someone who actually knows what they’re fucking doing. Why go through all the suffrage only to cover yourself in trash.

I never fail to be amazed by the awful, amateurish tattoos celebrities get. I see Bieber has joined the club of unbearable male singers with lion tattoos on their chests, although his at least looks a little better than Ed Sheeran’s. The way this tattoo was just sort of lazily superimposed on another one you can still

I am more than fine with having no idea who he is.

“Saddest neo-nazi loser” is up against some very stiff competition, too.