Quarrelin' Hardy

Snagged both Bayonettas and FFVII Cloud in my trip today! I think the only one I really want to get now is Advent Children Cloud. I have everyone else I want from the Smash set.

As someone who has been stalked for a period of about 2 years, my advice is to not fool around with this and cut it off. If after three months someone can't be upfront with you about who they are and why they are doing this, there's something not quite right there.

The sequel is better. I would love to see NOLF get a new entry.

The story was inspired by the Phantom Menace, of all things.

I'm reaching the end of the 4th palace now and I'm looking forward to experiencing what you are talking about.

I live in New Hampshire and I can confirm that I've seen far too many Confederate flags/stickers on trucks in the towns I've lived in. I will never understand this phenomenon. There's a dude with one on his SVU down the street from my home and it's taking all my effort not to toss a rock through his rear window.

It's got nothing really to do with being good at videogames, as I beat the level and finished the game in a couple of tries. It has more to do with it being an anticlimactic level completely out of character with the rest of the game, focusing on boat steering with plenty of opportunities for cheap, easy death in a

Super Mario Sunshine has easily the worst final level in a Mario game. Whoever thought having to steer a fragile boat through lava by spraying the F.L.U.D.D, and if you so much as touched anything you burned to your death was fun should have been fired.

This is probably the only thing that could get me to sign up for YouTube Red.

No joke, I've been asked if I was related to him and Ron before. No thank you.

Ok, I think I may need to go legally change my name now!

I really hate that my real name is awfully similar to this guy's.

I personally loved the picture of what I think was Gangrel on the wall saying "Puffy Shirts are Back."

I would add naming a PPV "Great Balls of Fire" and the rumors that they felt that the Mae Young Classic competitors weren't hot enough for the WWE to the list of many reasons Vince and Kevin Dunn need to retire.

Now that's cool…

I imagine Heel Bayley being Emo Peter from Spider-Man 3.

My wife and I tried to watch an episode of 205 Live because she really likes cruiserweight style wrestling, but we got greeted by a dead segment with Brian Kendrick dressing up as Jack Gallagher and Drew Gulak doing his goofy "No-Fly Zone" politician gimmick but still having an entire entrance video package based

I made sure to jump around all the time, regardless if it made any sense to.

I need to get my hands on that Fire Pro wrestling game. I was obsessed with that series back when I imported Fire Pro Wrestling D on the Dreamcast. I'm glad to hear that the wrestler creation is in the early access version.

I gave up on it too. I found it overly complicated yet too simple at the same time, and the story did nothing for me.