Quarrelin' Hardy

And this is from the same showrunner - I wonder if the casting decision was made before or after the controversy?

He hates Spider-Man because he's jealous of him and secretly wishes he was him! It's true!


It looks like a superhero adaptation from the late 90's/early 2000's. I actually really like the characters of Black Bolt and Medusa, and seeing them look like they walked out of the first X-Men movie is bumming me out. Also, unless the effect work is drastically improved, this is not going to benefit from being

As someone who got dragged to a completely soul-sucking free Eddie Money live show by my in-laws, I laughed my ass off so damn hard at the Fashion Vice segment.

I feel like Mark Millar has kernels of good ideas, but he's a bad writer so he makes the worst possible decisions with them. I feel like better writers can take those and turn out better stories with them, like your Civil War example.

Pardon my French but fuck that shit. We need classic Superman now more than ever.

Please, for the love of all that is holy, no. No, no, no. Get real Superman right first.

I have never heard of this guy before and that segment was absolutely brutal to sit through.

If someone doesn't have an SNES, it's worth it for the game selection alone, if they can find one. Final Fantasy III itself easily runs the price of this system or more for just the cart at most used game stores.

I'm assuming Twitter?

I tried the secret boss around that level too, and had the same issue. I leveled myself up to level 99, and it was much less of a problem. Thankfully, the game makes it pretty easy to grind. Add as many Experience + chips as you can, and go fight the Golden Rabbit statue in the amusement park. That's what I did, and I

The fact that Zelda, Horizon, and NieR Automata all hit at right around the same time is crazy. Three games juggling the same themes in very different ways.

From what I read, I think it was Adam McKay, Paul Rudd, and Peyton Reed who handled a lot of the rewrites.

Based on some of the things I've read regarding what Peyton Reed ended up adding into the movie, I would argue that the movie was actually better off under him than Edgar Wright (and I normally love Edgar Wright).

Now I'm imagining a Mass Effect game where the Reapers were secretly Vince McMahon the whole time.

It looks like Bethesda had a Bioshock clone in development and decided to slap the Prey name on it so they didn't lose the trademark after they cancelled Prey 2. I know that a lot of people here really enjoyed the new Prey and that's fine, but for me - one of the few fans of the original Prey apparently - I would have

Route C is a completely different story, and if you want to get ending D or E, you can just use a handy chapter-select that is unlocked to skip right to the branching point.

NieR Automata is easily my favorite game so far this year. There's still a lot of games this year that I haven't been able to play yet due to other circumstances in my life. I still haven't had a chance to pick up games I normally would snap up in a second, like Yakuza 0, Resident Evil 7, or Tekken 7. However, even

I haven't had much of a chance to play my copy of Arms too much yet, and haven't heard of Hedlok let. I just did a Google image search for him and am stunned by how similar he looks to Midway's Sinistar!