Quarrelin' Hardy

Good job grabbing a copy of Metroid Prime Trilogy! I got my copy for $10 at a clearance sale at an FYE store. For other Wii games recommendations, I would agree with @disqus_BpFJhAJ8NT:disqus's suggestions, but I would also add the two No More Heroes games and Madworld for action games, and Zack & Wiki: Quest for

I think it's supposed to start this fall, but outside of Crimson Skies, which they announced at e3, we don't know the games that will be included in the initial line up of supported titles.

The only place you have to do wall-jumping is one optional tunnel where a group of small animals show you that it's a thing you can do. You can beat the entire game without ever using the wall-jump ever again, or even visiting that tunnel in the first place.

The thing about Metal Gear Solid 4, was that it was intended to be the end of the entire Metal Gear story, and was intended to completely wrap up every loose end that remained in the series until that date. There was a lot of story to tie together, and at the time MGS4 began development, cut-scenes also weren't as

Bill Cosby, please die already. Thank you.

I think it was? It was playing off the ring-outs in Virtua Fighter by making them more dramatic with the "danger zone" sections in the original DOA, that caused your opponent to get blasted into the air from an explosion if they landed in it.

For me, it was scouring video-game magazines for hints on how to do moves and a ton of quarters.

Wrestling games are a nightmare in this aspect too. Have fun trying to play WWE 2K17 if you haven't played every WWE game since the first Smackdown game on the PSOne!

When I was growing up playing Street Fighter 2, a lot of people not only played Chun Li, but were actively upset that they didn't have other female characters to play as too.

I didn't like Rogue One because it felt like a movie that existed only to explain away what was perceived as a plot hole (but really isn't) regarding the Death Star having a structural weakness in the original trilogy, with a bunch of characters that I didn't care about and scenes that felt tacked on in re-shoots. I

I, for one, actually really enjoyed the show, even if I think they went too heavy on interference/non-finishes.

I take full responsibility for my actions.

If that's true and Breezeango are not going to be on TV for a bit, I know my wife will be crushed.

"I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking
for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a
very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long
career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let
my daughter go now, that'll be

Someone read the wrong line on the script and has no idea how to improvise!

I felt like I was the only one who didn't completely hate the finish to the Women's Money in the Bank match. It was a slimy heel finish, and I'm already enjoying the storyline that's springing out of it.

Seriously! It's the match they should have had at Backlash!

Between my general distaste of Rogue One and this news, I'm beginning to think that this Star Wars expanded cinematic universe is just not going to be for me.

It struck down a state law instituting a ban, not a Facebook internal policy.

Oh, for sure. Sometimes there just isn't a big political reason for everything!