Quarrelin' Hardy

The original approach to the Persona series was to skew a bit younger with the thematic material to widen the audience for the SMT series. Not to say that it's light material by any means, but I think that at least partially accounts for the more simple morality stories it has had overall.

The final fight of SMT4 Apocalypse has some serious balls.

Glad you liked SMT4: Apocalypse. I fell in love with that game last year.

Completely underwhelmed by e3 this year. Microsoft showed a couple interesting titles that aren't exclusives and that I'd rather buy on my PS4, and focused on their lazily named upgrade system. I get why they're doing it, but I don't really see myself gunning to get it right away. I was excited by Original Xbox titles

Seriously, I really enjoy the crew here a lot, because I feel like there's a variety of tastes and opinions here without the overboard negativity or political infighting a lot of gaming sites succumb to. If this site gets rolled into Kotaku I don't think I could do it anymore. I would love to see Gameological become

Who said that? Anyway, Nintendo didn't develop the game. They lent their IP out to an outside developer, in this case, Team Ninja, and Nintendo approved and published the final product. It didn't work out for them. It happens in game development. Perhaps a different partnership would have worked better for the game.

I'm going tonight, and I can't wait! I thankfully have a theater right near my new home that plays the live simulcasts. The shorts tend to be a goldmine for Rifftrax.

I was a little taken aback by that too, honestly. It felt out of step with the original game.

He looks like a stuffed plushie Yoshi.

I'm going to guess that since Breezango is involved in both, that they're probably coming up with their own stuff at this point, and are actually being allowed to do it. They probably do have an ally in creative that's helping out, though.

I agree. I know it's because of his family name, but I don't recall seeing someone get rewarded so much for putting as little effort into their work this badly since the WCW days.

Please let that be true. It's the only good feud Roman has ever been in, as far as I'm concerned.

I seriously can't wait until Vince retires and Dunn gets sacked after. But I'm assuming Vince won't retire until he's dead, with him being a complete workaholic crazy person and all that.

Seriously. That's Bobby Roode's job.

Charlotte's promos don't work for me. I don't understand what people see in them.

He had one arm!

I was more surprised that Lana was able to get up after doing that move wearing a dress like that.

I could have sworn Jinder did the exact same promo as he did last time. There's nothing there.

They apparently want to put John Cena on both shows now, because they're worried about ratings.

That one guy in the crowd got a nice close-up of his "Missing" poster for Tye on camera. It seems like a strange oversight to not put a solidly over talent on TV.