Quarrelin' Hardy


I'm super excited about this in all honesty. As I have a substantial game collection, I love backward compatibility because it keeps me from having to deal with setting up my old consoles again and from having to juggle so many inputs on my TV. I would love to revisit my copies of Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams,

Wow, it really sounds like a series of terrible decisions. And the aside about making a new IP the "Bob Dylan of Video Games" gives me serious douche-chills. I don't know any other way to put it!

I'm of the opinion that Hideo Kojima tried to warn us about a lot of really disturbing trends coming our way, and everyone chose to ignore that because they thought Raiden was "whiny."

Fun fact - his original idea for Drakengard 3 was to set it in a high school.

I learned yesterday that one of my best friends is a fan of Bubsy. He may have said it before, but I thought he was joking. I got a little sad.

The commentator. He's been on the wall for a few weeks now, usually with some sort of comment about his chins.

I don't think Disqus does. Do you use Twitter? If so, you can send me a DM there and I can give you the info there. I'm @Gillionaire there.

I did a couple sketches and I think I'm now three-quarters of the way through developing my own indie-horror video game already.

Parts of it work, then other parts of it sound awful. It's like half of the band performing it knows what a burlesque show song should sound like, and the other half of the band are literally baboons.

Wouldn't that be three? They have Kevin Owens doing a bit of an anti-American character at the moment too.

Seriously, there's very few wrestlers I have a visceral rejection of, and Mojo Rawley is definitely one of those.

I love the references on their corkboard every week. They seem to be getting more obscure too. They've even ripped on Kevin Kelly of all people multiple times on there.

I imported Fire Pro-Wrestling D for the Dreamcast, and put together my own giant translation guide plucked from multiple sources. I sunk many hours into that game, editing everyone to revert them to their obvious real-world counterparts.

If I didn't just buy 5 new Switch games, I would pick this up right away. I really enjoyed the Testpunch and think this is a bold new approach to making a different style of fighting games. But alas, my poor wallet is a bit too stretched at the moment.

I certainly thought they were pretending to smoke a joint.

It means I would rather talk to AJ about Japanese wrestling video games than politics.

Daniel Bryan accused him of it on Talking Smack a long while ago and AJ got really awkward about it. I seriously hope he isn't.

I had a huge laugh at Enzo marked as being out of their jurisdiction.

I think they should just let Jinder be the babyface in this one. Let him drop the anti-American stuff and just be a guy who turned his career around, and let us cheer on the colorful stuff like his Punjabi celebration. Randy Orton should never be face, because everything about him kind of screams "huge prick." I think