Quarrelin' Hardy

Nakamura doesn't really need to do promos to get over, but the WWE seems so unwilling to adapt their format at all to account for performers for whom English is not their first language. NXT did a great job of keeping most of his promo time limited and let his ability and attitude do the talking, and the main show

I was pleasantly surprised by that. I appreciated that they actually waited until after the finish for the inevitable Corbin run-in.

I have to disagree with the assessment of the Nakamura video package, with the exception of the music choice being pretty stereotypical. WWE is capable of making really solid video packages, and selling Nakamura's big moves, entrance, and comparing him to a literal work of art are positive things. While I do think

I'm not particularly excited by this. While it theoretically could work, the original show and its one-off movie were pretty perfect as is. It's OK to leave some things alone.

Eh, it doesn't bother me. I like Ambrose, when he's on, at least. He unfortunately seems like he's coasting more often than not, though.

I'm confused by it too. I'm pretty sure she is, too.

There's a reason they're friends!

WCW created it. That's enough for Vince to not want to use it.

Will they bring her back after those promos, only to take her off the air immediately and repackage her again for no reason? I can only hope!

I will never get tired of this, the greatest of promos in the history of wrestling.

I was wondering the same thing. I don't know how true it is, but there's been some rumblings out there that Vince isn't anywhere near as high on Finn as Triple H is, which I think is kind of a raw deal if true. Finn's too much of a talent to be put aside.

I didn't have it in my heart to tell my wife that pretty much everyone hates TJP. She legitimately likes him a lot.

I told her that Alexa Bliss is good at playing that character type, but I couldn't really disagree with how everyone else has been handled lately. I recommended that she watch some of the NXT shows to see how many of the women were handled much better.

I HAD NO IDEA! Thank you for sharing this!

My wife watched most of RAW with me again last night, and I figured I'd share her observations again!

Close enough!

"Star Spangled Man" is probably my favorite sequence in a superhero movie. I love everything about it. I still randomly catch myself singing it.

Hey now, Chris Pine gets a couple!

I would bet they only haven't been talking about it that much because they have so many movies in production, and a couple more hitting theaters this year. The closer we get to it's release date, we'll start hearing a lot more about it.

That is absolute madness on WB's part.