Quarrelin' Hardy

I love Final Wars, especially the random appearance of Don Frye.

In all seriousness, they should let Patty Jenkins handle Superman. She would do a much better job with him than Zack Snyder did.

How many lives were lost due to the poor naval strategy of Captain Peter Peachfuzz?

Their chemistry together was one of the highpoints on the film.

There's two of them, isn't there?

I definitely don't think the short sequence at the end of The First Avenger with him meeting Nick Fury in modern times hurts the movie at all. It does it's job in the greater context of what Marvel Studios was doing.

My biggest issue with the Ares fight is that WB needs to really work on their big CG battles. They still tend to look a little too fake. I didn't hate the sequence though, because the movie did a good enough job building to it.

I'm of the opinion that the No Man's Land sequence was one of the top 5 best sequences in a superhero movie. The emotional build-up to it really paid off.

For awhile, the deconstructionist approach to superheroes was novel; now it's way too overdone and not particularly clever anymore.

It has already been quoted in my home, and I expect it to be again many times.

I wasn't sold on her when she was first cast, and still wasn't sold in Batman V Superman, because I completely checked out of that movie by the time she finally shows up. I'm glad she pulled it off as well as she did in this movie. She definitely sold me now.

I saw the movie this weekend, and really loved it. It feels great to finally say that about a DC movie. I'm glad someone finally figured out that these characters can be exciting and fun heroes.

Exactly. The first example I can think of this occuring was when the PlayStation 2 marketed itself as a Computer Entertainment system and pushed the fact that it could play DVDs. And for awhile, that was actually pretty useful, as I know I used it as my first DVD player. Same with the PlayStation 3 as my first Blu-Ray

Senator Armstrong, the final boss of Revengence, is basically the GOP embodied by a crazy cyborg man. I think he even states he plans on making America great again.

I love Metal Gear with all my heart. The Legacy Collection is a solid set (I have the HD collection that was released before that, the one with only the remastered versions of 2, 3, and Peace Walker). I really think Metal Gear Solid 2 is a completely misunderstood masterpiece, and it tackled a lot of interesting ideas

From my understanding, them dumping things on PC has worked out pretty well for them. The Vita market isn't exactly setting the world of fire financially, for sure!

Microsoft put so much effort into their media center approach that their efforts building a great exclusive library suffered immensely. They've refocused more on games since management changed in their games division, but the damage was done by the delay.

Typically, I find the titles that I'm most interested in get relegated to 5-seconds of footage in the catch-all video package at the end of the presser.

I joined the Discord channel as well. Look for me with my Gameboy style pixel-art face!

Yes, I did play it on the SNES, as I received it as a Christmas present the year it was released. The PSOne version of the game has some extra story scenes to tie it more to Chrono Cross, but it also has some serious load-times. Its my understanding that the DS version includes the extras from the PSOne version, but