Quarrelin' Hardy

My wife and I have a rule that we don't call our finished attic space a "Man Cave" but a "Game Loft." I use it more than her for sure, but we felt that it felt kind of weird to gender-split our house like that.

It was remarkably easy for me to buy a ticket to one of the many, many showings of Wonder Woman this weekend, despite two theaters in America doing two women-only screenings.

I wonder how they feel about both of the creators of the Matrix being trans-women?

I forgot it was still a thing. I see their web-design hasn't changed in at least a decade.

I don't think a superhero movie ending in a big fight is inherently a flaw. They are, at their heart, action movies after all.

On top of that, it's a brawl between two guys who an entire film series has built up a relationship between, and that relationship is completely imploding before your eyes. It's pretty heavy climax in the context of the MCU.

Exactly. It felt like the whole movie was trying to convince me that saving people was a bad idea.

Thor not so much, but I will go to bat for the first Captain America.

The costume design has been pretty rock solid in the DC movies so far, even if I haven't enjoyed the movies so much.

She surprisingly hasn't said much about it yet, but we also missed last night's episode.

Jim Cornette really caught me off guard. I never would have guessed.

I doubt they plan on bringing Asuka up to the main roster anytime soon anyway, as I'm willing to bet the whole point of the Mae Young Classic this summer is to establish someone as the woman to finally take the title off of her.

I think Nakamura will do fine regardless because he's super talented, but WWE just doesn't know when to quit with unnecessary tweaks to their talent. I'm wondering how long it will be before they decide to drop his first name.

They already have a nickname for him in The King of Strong Style. Wrestling fans know what that is, and other people can learn it later!

Yeah, because it was pretty fun! Then Jinder had to open his mouth and ruin it with a promo that I'm pretty sure Vince McMahon is writing himself.

Yes, and the 40 pounds of grease each one holds.

I was very confused at what was supposed to be heel about the Punjabi celebration on last week's episode. It was colorful and fun, then they have Jinder do a "you hate me because I'm not American" promo immediately after. It's just jarring and weird.

I think you can reasonably apply that statement to any hair on Corbin's face/head.

You can add Sami Zayn to that list.

There was an interview with William Regal that I read this morning, where he said that he pushed for Sasha Banks to be hired after try-outs at the Performance Center, but nearly everyone else at the time thought she was useless and wanted nothing to do with her. I don't get it either, but I'm guessing her being oddly