Quarrelin' Hardy

It looks pretty good, and it's sitting at 97% positive on Rotten Tomatoes right now. I look forward to being excited for a DC movie!

Thank you. My friends, family, and wife have been very supportive and comforting during this whole mess.

I suffered a freak medical incident last weekend and fainted and hit my head. I lost a lot of blood, but I was lucky to have had this happen to me in a public place and got the emergency help I needed. I now have multiple stiches and staples holding me together, and I've spent the entirety of the week at home on my

Then call it something else. Don't give it the title of an existing game if you have no intention whatsoever of refining the gameplay and concept of the game you are titling it after. If I want to play those more supposedly "important" games, I will play those.

I recall my former roommate working crunch time. I don't know how he put up with it so much.

And how!

I think it's the simplicity of it. He's not threatening, he doesn't have a corny "attitude" that dates the character instantaneously, and he just comes off as a fun, positive guy. He pretty much has the jolly Santa Claus thing going.

Oh, if this game does turn out well and I choose to buy it, I will so cover my character in as many pouches as they will allow.

A lot of really great choices from everyone so far, but I always had a soft spot for Capcom's Captain Commando. You wouldn't have even known he really existed unless you looked in your Capcom games' instruction books in the 80's, but he was always there, thanking you for buying another Capcom title! I was legitimately

I'm thrilled by this feature and I can't wait to see what monstrosities get unleashed upon the world. I look forward to many different variations of Bubsy the Bobcat and Coldsteel the Hedgehog.

It would be, and it's going to be weird to see Venom existing at all without Spider-Man anywhere to be found. This seems like a questionable idea at best.

Between Bane's voice in the Dark Knight Rises and the incessant dialogue-smothering score of Inception, I'm convinced that Christopher Nolan simply hears things completely different than most people.

I like Tom Hardy, I like Venom, but I think this whole idea is going to kind of screw Spider-Man in the MCU and cause some serious audience confusion. Venom doesn't really make much sense at all without Spider-Man, and it's weird to cut a major character off from the MCU entirely when Spider-Man is running around in

I always preferred the wobbly pixelated-jagginess of PS1 games over the Vaseline-smeared blur of N64 games.

I really wanted to stay in love with it. I loved Bungie's Halo games, and that series is really suffering without them behind it.

I am Groot.

I bought the original Destiny, and while I loved it initially, as I played through the single-player content I got progressively less interested in it. Once I maxed out my character to the initial level cap, it got really repetitive grinding missions and PVP stuff for armor with light points to continue levelling

I finally finished moving into my new home after taking a week off last week for constant, back and forth trips with the U-Haul truck. Because of the all the moving, unboxing, buying necessities and new furniture, I haven't had too much time to play much of anything. This week has been my first chance to finally sit

I still have mine! And the code book, too!

Time flies! I bought both Bayonetta games day one, and I had no idea it was that many years ago. I'm getting old. :(