Quarrelin' Hardy

He did well, because my wife didn't roll her eyes and stop watching him for once.

I enjoyed 64th Street - I enjoyed that you could throw enemies into the background and cause environmental damage. I'm surprised at how few beat em ups let you do that. I've always wanted to play Night Slashers, because it looks so excessive.

The kids have their phones on in class anyway! You're just staying in the spirit of the game!

Any particular beat 'em up catching your attention? I'm a big fan of those in general, and I like finding out what people's favorites are.

I'd be willing to bet the character gets added back in after release, either as a patch, free DLC, or a paid character.

Yes, but it's hilarious because Castlevania 3 literally starts with Trevor Belmont praying in front of a massive cross. I don't know how they managed to completely overlook that one!

According to the article, Kuma/Panda is staying in the game because it is "obviously stronger than a human being."

It's true! I saw my friend do it in the arcade! I'd have him show you but he moved to Canada.

Konami took a lot of crosses and other Christian symbols out of Castlevania games for years. They were also incredibly inconsistent with it, sometimes removing super tiny ones in the background while leaving enormous ones in the foreground perfectly visible.

Poor Skull-O-Mania.

In other odd fighting game related news, Roger Jr, boxing kangaroo of Tekken fame, has been removed from the upcoming western release of Tekken 7 for a vague concern over animal rights activists.

I want to cover my Robobot head-to-toe in overlapping stickers, like a teenage girl's Trapper Keeper.

I finished up my copy of Moving Out! Can You Believe I Sold My Townhouse?! recently, and I'm still another week out before I can get my copy of Homeowner: Eternal Mortgage, so I'm making due with what I have at the moment in my temporary living situation. Thankfully, I've got my PS4 and 3DS to keep me company, so I've

I always use the 3D on the 3DS if the game supports it.

I really enjoyed the 2014 Strider. I think they did a solid mixing elements of the NES title and the arcade game into a cohesive whole. No one really talked about it at all, so I'm glad someone else out there is having a good time with it.

Glad you're enjoying Zelda II! It gets a bad reputation, but I still really like the game. Some of its more questionable design choices I chalk up to the time it was made more than bad game design in itself. Taking the context of when it was made into account makes me forgive some of its issues.

I was really surprised at how much I loved Pain and Gain. It was the perfect material for a guy like Bay, and he made the most of it.

Shane Douglas really benefitted from being a big fish in a small pond in ECW. I don't know if that was due to the booking style of Paul Heyman or what, but Douglas just never ever clicked anywhere else.

Yeah, I know. It's too bad he's a huge asshole, because he's a very talented artist & animator. It's a bummer.

I'm the weirdo who actually kinda liked Knack.